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NetSieben SSH Library is a Secure Shell client library for C++. It utilizes the Botan library for its cryptographic functions, allowing a large choice of algorithms to be used in SSH communications. It integrates Secure FTP client functionality and has been tested in multi-threaded applications.

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2009-03-05 18:18 Back to release list

A Botan biblioteca crypto 1.8.x é suportado, e macros para compatibilidade com Botan 1.6.x foram adicionados. Todas as seqüências retornado pelo método read () são NULL finalizado. Todas as seqüências de mensagens de erro são NULL finalizado. Condições de corrida múltiplos relativos à mutex bloqueio foram corrigidos. A segfault quando se utiliza algoritmos de criptografia com tamanho do bloco maior que 64 bits foi corrigido. Suporte para o algoritmo AES192-CBC foi adicionado. Limpeza de conexões, após falha de autenticação foi corrigido. Um acidente de SFTP após a mudança para um diretório inexistente remoto foi corrigido.
Tags: Major bugfixes
The Botan 1.8.x crypto library is supported, and macros for backward compatibility with Botan 1.6.x were added. All strings returned by the read() method are now NULL terminated. All error message strings are now NULL terminated. Multiple race conditions related to mutex locking were fixed. A segfault when using cryptographic algorithms with block size larger than 64 bits was fixed. Support for the aes192-cbc algorithm was added. Cleanup of connections after authentication failure was fixed. An SFTP crash after changing to a nonexistent remote directory was fixed.

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