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Projeto Descrição

OpenVRML is a VRML and X3D browser plug-in and C++ toolkit for incorporating VRML/X3D support into applications. It provides VRML97 and Classic VRML X3D parsers, a runtime, and an OpenGL renderer as C++ libraries. The renderer is fully separate from the runtime library so that users can also provide their own renderer. The OpenVRML browser is provided as a D-Bus service, and is embeddable in host applications using XEmbed. The distribution provides both a stand-alone host and a host that runs as a Mozilla plug-in.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-04-17 19:44 Back to release list

O código foi modificado para construir contra XULRunner 2.0. Problemas na compilação com nó de processamento de texto com deficiência foram corrigidos. Resiliência dos analisadores foi melhorada.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The code was modified to build against XULRunner 2.0. Problems compiling with Text node rendering disabled were fixed. Resilience of the parsers was improved.

Project Resources