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The PCI Utilities package contains various utilities dealing with the PCI bus, and also a library for portable access to PCI configuration registers. It includes `lspci' for listing all PCI devices (very useful for debugging of both kernel and device drivers) and `setpci' for manual configuration of PCI devices.

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2010-01-26 23:51 Back to release list

Mais capacidades são decodificados, ou seja, Canal Virtual (excepto quadros de arbitragem), Link raiz complexa, Vendor-header (Specific apenas), e SATA HBA. Todos têm as suas capacidades alargadas versão exibida (com a opção verbose "-vv" ou superior).
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
More capabilities are now decoded, namely Virtual Channel (except arbitration tables), Root Complex Link, Vendor-Specific (header only), and SATA HBA. All extended capabilities have their version displayed (with verbose option "-vv" or higher).

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