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Projeto Descrição

webDiplomacy (previously phpDiplomacy) is a Web implementation of a popular turn based strategy game in which you battle to control Europe. It is not a game of luck: to win you must be diplomatic and strategic, forming and breaking allegiances and bargains with your friends and enemies. It features an interface intuitive and simple enough that seasoned Diplomacy pros and complete newcomers can play alongside each other.

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2010-01-10 23:46 Back to release list

Esta versão adiciona suporte variante, uma característica muito solicitada permitindo mapas não-padrão a ser reproduzido. Ele também faz algumas melhorias significativas do lado do servidor a eficiência de validação da ordem.
This version adds variant support, a long requested feature allowing non-standard maps to be played. It also makes some significant improvements to server-side order validation efficiency.

Project Resources