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Projeto Descrição

Presage (formerly known as Soothsayer) is an intelligent predictive text entry platform. It exploits redundant information embedded in natural languages to generate predictions. Its modular and pluggable architecture allows its language model to be extended and customized to utilize statistical, syntactic, and semantic information sources.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-10-14 06:23 Back to release list

Esta versão integra no Notepad + +, um poderoso editor de texto Windows, graças ao novo presságio preditivo Notepad + + plugin NppPresage. Ele vem com manipulação de perfil de configuração aprimorada no Windows: ele agora localiza o diretório de configuração do perfil do sistema chave de registro HKCU/Software/presságio em Windows e corretamente localiza o diretório de perfil de usuário.
Há melhorias para gprompter, incluindo um widget e um novo recurso de cores invertido de edição de texto actualizado. gprompter e pyprompter também vêm com novos (e feios) ícones no desktop GNOME.
Tags: Major feature enhancements, Bugfixes, Stable
This release integrates into Notepad++, a powerful Windows text editor, thanks to the new presage predictive Notepad++ plugin NppPresage. It comes with improved configuration profile handling on Windows: it now locates the system profile configuration directory from HKCU/Software/Presage registry key on Windows, and correctly locates the user profile directory.
There are improvements to gprompter, including an updated text editing widget and a new invert colours feature. gprompter and pyprompter also come with new (and ugly) icons on the GNOME desktop.

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