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Projeto Descrição

]project-open[ is a Web-based enterprise project management application with a focus on finance and collaboration. Its main purpose is to coordinate the work of project managers, project members, and stake holders across multiple projects. Target organizations are companies or corporate departments that need to track finances, tasks, and resources for a large number of concurrently running projects. ]project-open[ consists of about 200 modules for resource management, time sheet management, HR, CRM, ITSM, collaboration, and financials. It is built on top of, an open-source Web platform featuring role-based permissions, workflows, dynamically extensible objects, and full-text search.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-05-06 18:20 Back to release list

Mais de uma dúzia de novos módulos e funcionalidades foram incluídas, incluindo um round-trip integração com GanttProject, planejamento de recursos e atribuições de recursos, melhorias de interface gráfica, um calendário novo módulo para mostrar as tarefas e prazos, um novo módulo rastreador de bugs, um novo e despesas módulo de despesas de viagem, um mecanismo de informação nova, um novo motor de Petri fluxo líquido com um editor gráfico, modelos de projeto, e um assistente de configuração do novo "para a configuração do sistema automático.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
More than a dozen new modules and features have
been included, including a round-trip integration
with GanttProject, resource planning and resource
assignments, GUI improvements, a new calendar
module to show tasks and deadlines, a new bug
tracker module, a new expenses and travel costs
module, a new reporting engine, a new Petri-Net
workflow engine with a graphical editor, project
templates, and a new "configuration wizard" for
automatic system configuration.

Project Resources