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Projeto Descrição

The Port Scan Attack Detector (psad) is a collection of three system daemons that are designed to work with the Linux iptables firewalling code to detect port scans and other suspect traffic. It features a set of highly configurable danger thresholds (with sensible defaults), verbose alert messages, email alerting, DShield reporting, and automatic blocking of offending IP addresses. Psad incorporates many of the packet signatures included in Snort to detect various kinds of suspicious scans, and implements the same passive OS fingerprinting algorithm used by p0f.

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2007-10-20 09:03 Back to release list

O modelo EMAIL_LIMIT foi mudado para aplicar a digitalização fonte refere-se apenas ao invés de factoring também no endereço de destino. O original src / comportamento limite de DST e-mail pode ser restabelecida, definindo uma nova variável "ENABLE_EMAIL_LIMIT_PER_DST" para "Y". O arquivo patches/iptables-1.3.8_LOG_prefix_space.patch foi adicionado, o que pode ser aplicado ao iptables-1.3.8 código para impor um caráter espaço à direita antes de qualquer prefixo de log quando uma regra de log é adicionado. Uma correção foi implementado para garantir que as opções de análise TCP não descer em um loop infinito em algumas circunstâncias, algumas com opções obscuras ou mal construída.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The EMAIL_LIMIT model was changed to apply to scanning source addresses only instead of also factoring in the destination address. The original src/dst email limit behavior can be restored by setting a new variable "ENABLE_EMAIL_LIMIT_PER_DST" to "Y". The patches/iptables-1.3.8_LOG_prefix_space.patch file was added, which can be applied to the iptables-1.3.8 code to enforce a trailing space character before any log prefix when a LOG rule is added. A fix was implemented to ensure that parsing TCP options does not descend into an infinite loop in some some circumstances with obscure or maliciously constructed options.

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