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Projeto Descrição

PyMusicD is yet another jukebox daemon written in Python. It is controlled via a simple protocol over a TCP socket, and delivers status updates to clients via UDP. It's being written as part of a car music system, although it can be used for a home or work jukebox server.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-10-22 10:02 Back to release list

Esta versão corrige um bug ao adicionar um diretório com 2A% ao invés de "*", muda a forma como a ordem de paragem de obras para eliminar um bug, adiciona uma verificação para certificar-se de um arquivo existe antes de adicioná-lo à lista, já não música começa a tocar logo que a lista tem entradas, e adiciona suporte a arquivos de configuração.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This version fixes a bug when adding an entire directory
with %2A instead of "*", changes the way the stop
command works to eliminate a bug, adds a check to
make sure a file exists before we add it to the playlist, no
longer starts playing music as soon as the playlist has
entries, and adds config file support.

Project Resources