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Projeto Descrição

Qt is a comprehensive, object-oriented development framework that enables development of high-performance, cross-platform rich-client and server-side applications. When you implement a program with Qt, you can run it on the X Window System (Unix/X11), Apple Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows NT/9x/2000/XP by simply compiling the source code for the platform you want. Qt is the basis for the KDE desktop environment, and is also used in numerous commercial applications such as Google Earth, Skype for Linux, and Adobe Photoshop Elements.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-09-10 09:42 Back to release list

Esta versão introduz novos recursos, como Qt Rápido 1.1 (da direita para a esquerda apoio, cache de imagem melhorada e melhorias de entrada de texto: suporte para split-screen do teclado virtual, e Área pitada de fornecer uma API declarativa para manipulação de entrada sensível ao toque) e os plugin de Shaders QML (efeitos incorporar shader OpenGL em aplicativos QML). Há também melhorias adicionais para Symbian e um monte de correções de bugs.
Tags: 4.7, Stable, Minor bugfixes, Minor feature enhancements
This version introduces new features like Qt Quick 1.1 (with right-to-left support, improved image caching, and text input improvements: support for split-screen virtual keyboard, and Pinch Area to provide a declarative API for handling touch input) and the QML Shaders plugin (embed OpenGL shader effects in QML apps). There are also additional improvements for Symbian and a lot of bugfixes.

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