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Projeto Descrição

RedStore is a lightweight RDF triplestore written in C using the Redland library. It features SPARQL over HTTP support, an HTTP interface that is compatible with 4store, and unit tests for most of the HTTP server code.
The only build dependancy is Redland.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-04-11 03:13 Back to release list

Melhor suporte a negociação de conteúdo foi adicionado. problemas entidade HTML escapar foram corrigidos. A página de descrição do novo serviço foi criado. A lista completa formato foi adicionado à página de consulta. Foi adicionado suporte para selecionar a linguagem de consulta. Suporte para consultas ASK foi adicionado. Foi adicionado suporte para despejar todo o triplestore no formato N-quads.
Improved content negotiation support was added. HTML entity escaping problems were fixed. A new Service Description page was created. A full format list was added to the query page. Support was added for selecting the query language. Support for ASK queries was added. Support was added for dumping the whole triplestore in the N-quads format.

Project Resources