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Projeto Descrição

RoadMap is a navigation program for Unix and PocketPC that displays street maps. Most of the maps are provided by the US Census Bureau, and thus only the US has a decent coverage at this time. A specific area can be displayed by entering a street address (street number, street name, city, and state). It interfaces with a GPS receiver through gpsd or the serial line to track the car position. It has been designed to be usable on a Linux desktop or laptop computer, or on a PDA (Linux or PocketPC).

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-05-31 07:07 Back to release list

Esta versão corrigiu um acidente que ocorreu quando encontrar as estradas em diversos municípios, enquanto procura o caminho atual. No mínimo ajuda baseado na versão HTML do arquivo README foi adicionado, e sua geração foi documentada. Algumas melhorias REAME menores também foram feitas.
Tags: Stable, Major bugfixes
This release fixed a crash that occurred when finding roads in several counties while searching the current road. Minimal help based on the HTML version of the README file was added, and its generation was documented. Some minor REAME improvements were also made.

Project Resources