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Projeto Descrição

ROX-Filer is a fast and powerful graphical file manager. It has full drag-and-drop support and background file operations, and is highly configurable. It can also act as a pinboard, allowing you to pin frequently used files to the desktop background.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-11-30 22:48 Back to release list

A interface de configuração do painel foi reformulado para permitir uma mais fácil adicionar, remover e edição de painéis. Uma nova janela registros do arquivo de log ações para referência. Suporte para usar os temas de ícones GNOME foi melhorado. O código-fonte é agora gerido usando GIT. Vários bugs foram corrigidos.
Tags: Stable, Major feature enhancements
The panel configuration interface has been reworked to allow for easier adding, removing, and editing of panels. A new log window records file actions for reference. Support for using GNOME icon themes was improved. The source code is now managed using GIT. Various bugs were fixed.

Project Resources