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Projeto Descrição

Seed7 is a general purpose programming language. It is a higher level language compared to Ada, C++, and Java. In Seed7, new statements and operators can be declared easily. Functions with type results and type parameters are more elegant than a template or generics concept. Object orientation is used when it brings advantages and not in places when other solutions are more obvious. Although Seed7 contains several concepts of other programming languages, it is generally not considered as a direct descendant of any other programming language.

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2012-01-02 07:15 Back to release list

Os tipos 'pollData', 'inetListener' e 'socketAddress' foram movidos de "socket.s7i" para "poll.s7i", "listener.s7i" e "sockbase.s7i" respectivamente. As funções com suporte por 'pollData' foram alteradas e melhoradas. O arquivo "pol_dos.c" foi adicionado. O exemplo de "ftpserv.sd7" foi melhorado para obter o endereço IP para a resposta "PASV" da tomada de controle. O driver de console "con_win.c" foi melhorado, tal que keypressed reconhece control-C como entrada de teclado normal. A função 'socGets' foi melhorado para evitar realloc(), quando a Cadeia de caracteres de leitura é mais curta do que solicitado.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
The types 'pollData', 'inetListener', and 'socketAddress' were moved from "socket.s7i" to "poll.s7i", "listener.s7i", and "sockbase.s7i" respectively. The functions supported by 'pollData' were changed and improved. The file "pol_dos.c" was added. The "ftpserv.sd7" example was improved to take the IP address for the "PASV" response from the control socket. The console driver "con_win.c" was improved, such that keypressed recognizes control-C as normal keyboard input. The function 'socGets' was improved to avoid realloc(), when the string read is shorter than requested.

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