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Projeto Descrição

Shared memory map is a library that contains different hashmaps that use shared memory to store their data, which is very useful if you need different processes to keep their data in sync. It uses IPC semaphores to synchronize access. Many processes may read the hashmap at the same time, but only one can write in it.

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2002-04-24 02:50 Back to release list

Algumas correções de bugs muito importantes, como deixar de salvar o endereço de função no mapa, porque causou todas as transações a falhar em um mapa. Ao conectar ao mapa existente, verificação foi implementada para verificar sua integridade. Correções também foram feitas para uma contagem de itens shmap_items errado e um vazamento de semáforo IPC.
Tags: Development, Major bugfixes
Some very important bugfixes, like no longer saving the function address in map, because it caused all transactions to fail on a map. When attaching to existing map, check has been implemented to verify its integrity. Fixes were also made for a shmap_items wrong item count and an IPC semaphore leak.

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