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Projeto Descrição

Sitellite is an advanced Web content
management system (CMS) and content publishing tool, featuring multilingual support, advanced document versioning, workflow, privileges, and an easy-to-use visual editing interface for non-technical users. Sitellite is also a powerful framework for Web application development, including integrated support for AJAX and modern Web development concepts.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-03-18 10:40 Back to release list

Esta versão beta possui completa multi-lingual Web site de suporte, uma muito melhor editor WYSIWYG (agora com o apoio do Safari), auto-save para a recuperação do Windows / navegador / interrupções de rede, a segurança melhorou ao longo, a capacidade de editar as definições para o Firefox através de No painel de controle GUI, um motor de busca mais integrada add-on, melhor controle de SEO, melhorias de desempenho notável em todos os lugares, e mais de 50 outros aprimoramentos, correções de bugs e melhorias de usabilidade.
Tags: Beta, Major feature enhancements
This beta features complete multi-lingual Web site support, a vastly improved WYSIWYG editor (now with Safari support), auto-save for recovery from Windows/browser/network interruptions, improved security throughout, the ability to edit settings for add-ons through the GUI control panel, a more integrated search engine add-on, better control for SEO, noticeable performance improvements everywhere, and over 50 other enhancements, bugfixes, and usability improvements.

Project Resources