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Projeto Descrição

SubEthaSMTP is an easy to understand Java library
that provides a receptive SMTP server component.
By plugging this component into your Java application, you can easily receive SMTP mail using a simple abstract Java interface. Also included is a small sub-project called Wiser, an easy to use incoming mail testing framework.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
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2007-10-26 20:05 Back to release list

A característica mais importante é que a camada de rede foi re-escrita para utilizar o Apache Mina. Isso proporciona time I / O (NIO) em rede para fazer SubEthaSMTP rápida e fácil de implantar.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
The single most important feature is that the networking layer was re-written to use Apache Mina. This provides Native I/O (NIO) networking to make SubEthaSMTP fast and easy to deploy.

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