Synfig is a powerful, industrial-strength,
vector-based 2D animation software package,
designed from the ground-up for producing
feature-film quality animation with fewer people
and resources.
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
A rotação e escala foram adicionados para a ferramenta de Normal, que agora é chamado a ferramenta Transform. Um processador single threaded foi habilitado para o Microsoft Windows para aumentar a estabilidade. As melhorias foram feitas no módulo de importação SVG. Um novo alvo diálogo parâmetros foi adicionado, o que permite codecs personalizado quando renderização com ffmpeg. Novos ícones para as acções e as camadas foram adicionados. Duas telas splash foram adicionados. Minor bugs foram corrigidos.
Feature enchancements, minor bug fixes
The rotate and scale functions were added for the Normal tool, which is now called the Transform tool. A single threaded renderer was enabled for Microsoft Windows to increase stability. Improvements were made in the SVG import module. A new target parameters dialog was added, which allows custom codecs when rendering with ffmpeg. New icons for actions and layers were added. Two splash screens were added. Minor bugs were fixed.