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Projeto Descrição

Tentakel is a program that executes the same command on many hosts in parallel using SSH or other remote methods. It is designed to be easily extendable. The output of the remote command can be controlled by means of format strings.

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2005-03-20 20:31 Back to release list

Este lançamento vem com dois novos recursos: um mecanismo de plugin que permite aos usuários facilmente criar seus próprios métodos remotos, e os maxparallel "novo" parâmetro, que permite a restringir o número de threads em execução em simultâneo, para evitar demasiada carga nos servidores de download, etc .. O recurso maxparallel pode fazer muito mais rápido tentakel sob certas circunstâncias. O plugin rsh é agora muito mais útil, como é agora capaz de devolver o status de saída do comando remoto.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release comes with two new features: a plugin mechanism allowing users to easily create their own remote methods, and the new "maxparallel" parameter, which allows one to restrict the number of concurrently running threads to avoid too much load on download servers, etc.. The maxparallel feature can make tentakel a lot faster under certain circumstances. The rsh plugin is now much more useful, as it is now able to return the exit status of the remote command.

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