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Projeto Descrição

TOPCASED stands for Toolkit in OPen source for Critical Applications and SystEm Development. It is a system and software engineering workshop based on Eclipse. It aims to provide the tools required to go from requirements to the implementation stages. Focused on modeling development engineering, it includes several graphical editors (for ECORE, UML, SysML, SAM, AADL, and more), an OCL rules editor and checker, several code generators (SMUC, UML2C, UML2Java, UML2Python), a document generator, gPM (a ticket tracker), xHDL tools, Tramway (a requirements traceability framework), and more. External tools can be easily connected to the workshop through its API or models.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-01-15 07:39 Back to release list

Este comunicado tem como objetivo principal a pacotes refatorar Topcased para poder construir e implantação mais fácil (atualização da política local, por exemplo, evoluiu para melhorar o determinismo das implantações). Também inclui pequenas melhorias, como a substituição do gestor SAM-requisitos específicos, com o novo comum, preferências para as notas de tarefas e UML / SysML pequenas melhorias GUI.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements, Major bugfixes
This release mainly aims to refactor Topcased packages to make build and deployment easier (update site policy, for example, has evolved to improve the determinism of deployments). It also includes minor enhancements, like the replacement of the SAM-specific requirements manager with the new common one, preferences for TODO notes, and UML/SysML minor GUI improvements.

Project Resources