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Projeto Descrição

The tox (Tomcat, Oracle, and XML) Web archive is a
foundation for development of HTTP-based
applications using Tomcat (or some other servlet
container) and an Oracle RDBMS. It requires coding
primarily in PL/SQL, JavaScript, and XSLT, but
also in HTML, CSS, and potentially Java. It
enables the construction of applications using the
model/view/controller (MVC) design pattern. With a
controller that executes interpreted XML for
creating the model and view, developers can
construct new functionality. The model is
retrieved either via includes or by the execution
of Oracle's stored procedures, and then passed to
an XML stylesheet transform to construct and
return the view. Different combinations and
options provide rich dynamic content.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-01-28 08:45 Back to release list

O registro foi localizado, assim você não editar, que pertence ao Tomcat. Raiz e as características do espaço que ninguém nunca usado e desordenado do código tenham sido removidos.
Tags: Stable, Minor
The logging has been localized, so you no longer edit, which belongs to Tomcat. Root and space features that no one ever used and cluttered the code have been removed.

Project Resources