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Projeto Descrição

TWIG is a Web-based groupware suite written in
PHP, compatible with both PHP3 and PHP4. Its
features include IMAP and POP3 email, Usenet
newsgroups, contact management, scheduling, shared
notes and bookmarks, a todo list, and meeting
announcements. Any piece of information can be
shared with others via group oriented access
controls. By using only plain HTML, it is a
simple, cross-platform, fast, and
browser-independent way to access or share almost
any kind of information, without the complexity or
costs of other intranet/groupware packages. It is
fully internationalized, with 24 translations.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-11-16 20:31 Back to release list

Esta é a primeira versão estável em quase dois anos, cheio de bugs e melhorias. Grandes mudanças incluem o uso de CSS para embelezar e reduzir o tamanho da página, melhor suporte a tradução, a melhoria dos indicadores no recurso de mensagem de correio, e dois pacotes de excitante novo ícone. Vários novos recursos foram adicionados, incluindo suporte para chamadas de TWIG mailto: links, gráficos capacidade no recurso Mail, e pela primeira vez, o JavaScript é utilizado para os botões menores. O recurso de pesquisa está agora ativado por padrão, e twig agora opera com register_globals = Off, que exigem pelo menos o PHP 4.1.2.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This is the first stable release in nearly two years, full of bugfixes and improvements. Major changes include the use of CSS to beautify and reduce page size, better translation support, improved message indicators in the Mail feature, and two exciting new icon packs. Several new features have been added, including support for calling TWIG from mailto: links, capacity graphs in the Mail feature, and for the first time, Javascript is used for minor buttons. The Search feature is now enabled by default, and TWIG now operates with register_globals = Off, requiring at least PHP 4.1.2.

Project Resources