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Projeto Descrição

txt2html is a Perl program that uses the HTML::TextToHTML perl module to convert plain text to HTML. It supports headings, lists, tables, simple character markup, hyperlinking and is highly customizable. It recognizes some of the apparent structure of the source document (mostly whitespace and typographic layout) and attempts to mark that structure explicitly using HTML.

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2005-05-08 13:58 Back to release list

O dicionário links global é agora built-in, não um arquivo separado. Isso irá curar as dificuldades de instalação persistente associada a esse arquivo. O método run_txt2html foi removido, pois não é necessário. A documentação foi atualizada.
Tags: Major bugfixes
The global links dictionary is now built-in, not a
separate file. This will cure the persistant
installation hassles related to that file. The
run_txt2html method was removed, as it is not
needed. The documentation was updated.

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