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Projeto Descrição

txt2regex$ is a Regular Expression "wizard", written with bash2 builtins, that converts human sentences to regular expressions. With a simple interface, you just answer questions and build your own regexp for a large variety of programs, such as awk, ed, emacs, grep, Perl, PHP, procmail, Python, sed, and vim (there are more than 20 supported programs). As it is written in bash, no compilation is required.

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2001-08-03 02:24 Back to release list

PostgreSQL, Javascript, VBscript e procmail são agora suportadas. Esta versão inclui um comando da linha de teste regexp procmail, eo teste regexp-suite está agora incluído no tarball.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
PostgreSQL, Javascript, VBscript, and procmail are now supported. This release includes a command line procmail regexp test, and the regexp test-suite is now included in the tarball.

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