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Projeto Descrição

Ujorm is an easy-to-use ORM framework based on key-value objects. The framework was designed for rapid Java development with great performance and a small footprint. The key features are type safe queries, relation mapping by Java code, no entity states, and a memory overloading protection cache.

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2011-06-13 06:25 Back to release list

O lote de INSERT e UPDATE são suportados. Selecione DISTINCT agora é suportado. Cada tabela meta-modelo pode ser marcado como somente leitura. A documentação Ujorm Guia do Usuário é alargado e novas amostras são feitas. Database comete são executados por ordem de atribuição de modelos de banco de dados agora. Muitos Ujorm limpeza de código-fonte está acabado. O SortingProperty novo construtor (..) foi substituído por um método de fábrica, PathProperty.sort (..).
Tags: Major
The batch INSERT and UPDATE are supported. Select DISTINCT is supported now. Each meta-model table can be marked as READ-ONLY. The documentation Ujorm User Guide is extended and new samples are done. Database commits are executed by order of assigning database models now. Many Ujorm source code cleanups are finished. The constructor new SortingProperty(..) has been replaced by a factory method, PathProperty.sort(..).

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