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Projeto Descrição

Cyphesis is a server for MMORPG games. It is the core engine of the WorldForge project and is currently focused on implementing fantasy games, providing rich scripting, full world persistence, and basic physics.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-10-29 06:28 Back to release list

Modificadores de terreno são agora totalmente suportados. Um novo backend de persistência foi escrito e está em teste. Propriedades foram reescritos para ser a maneira mais eficiente. Métricas internas e os monitores são expostos usando HTTP. Inscrição com a metaservidor agora é muito mais confiável. A simulação é agora jittered para fazer a carga da CPU muito mais suave. Muitos erros foram corrigidos.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Terrain modifiers are now fully supported. A new persistence backend has been written and is in testing. Properties have been rewritten to be way more efficient. Internal metrics and monitors are now exposed using HTTP. Registration with the metaserver is now much more reliable. Simulation is now jittered to make CPU load much smoother. Many bugs have been fixed.

Project Resources