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Projeto Descrição

The xterm program is the standard terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides DEC VT102/VT220 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals for programs that can't use the window system directly. If the underlying operating system supports terminal resizing capabilities (for example, the SIGWINCH signal in systems derived from 4.3bsd), xterm will use the facilities to notify programs running in the window whenever it is resized.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-02-14 07:36
patch #290

Corrige uma reversão incompleta de uma mudança no patch anterior, que causou a exposição incorreta na área scrollback.
Tags: bug fix release
Fixes an incomplete revert of a change in the previous patch, which caused incorrect display in the scrollback area.

2013-02-09 09:16
patch #289

Isso corrige vários bugs menores e também atualiza as tabelas de largura de caracteres para Unicode 6.2.
Tags: bug fix release
This fixes several minor bugs, and also updates the wide-character width tables for Unicode 6.2.

2013-01-10 12:38
patch #288

Esta versão corrige problemas encontrados pela Coverity e adiciona outras pequenas correções de bugs e limpeza de código.
Tags: Code cleanup, Minor bugfixes
This release
fixes issues found by Coverity and adds

other small bugfixes and code cleanup.

2012-01-19 15:51
patch #278

Dois regressões foram corrigidos.
Tags: Bugfixes
Two regressions were fixed.

2012-01-09 03:39
patch #277

Fornece a capacidade de ligar as chaves para ações que usam a seleção (ou o texto selecionável) na tela como dados. Outros novos recursos incluem sequências de controle para a esquerda/direita rolagem e alguns novos sabores de respostas do mouse. Existem novas configurações de recurso para limitar o sino visual para a linha atual, bem como para limitar o recurso eightBitInput. Finalmente, existem outras correções e portabilidade.
Tags: new features, Bugfixes
Provides the ability to bind keys to actions which use the selection (or selectable text) from the screen as data. Other new features include control sequences for left/right scrolling and some new flavors of mouse replies. There are new resource settings for limiting visual bell to the current line, as well as for limiting the eightBitInput feature. Finally, there are portability and other fixes.

Project Resources