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Projeto Descrição

Zimbra is a next-generation enterprise messaging and collaboration system. It features an Ajax Web client with conversation views, fast email search, Web service mash-ups, shared calendars, document authoring, and IM. The server also syncs to MS Outlook (via MAPI), the Apple desktop (via iSync, iCal, and CalDAV), POP/IMAP clients, and mobile devices (BlackBerry, smart phones, HTML Web browsers). A version of the Web client, Zimbra Desktop, also works offline with any POP/IMAP server. Administrators can control live backup/restores of individual or groups of mailboxes, hierarchical storage (HSM) and clustering, LDAP directory configuration, Web services integration with existing enterprise applications, and integrated anti-spam and anti-virus.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-07-19 23:56 Back to release list

Suporte para uma verificação automática de corrupção de banco de dados MySQL que vai enviar uma notificação para o administrador. Formação de spam foi melhorado, permitindo programático digitalização das pastas sem a necessidade de uma senha. Os administradores podem receber notificações de backup e restauração completos enviados via e-mail. . Doc e. Ficheiros PDF aberto corretamente em Zimbra Web Client. iSync não vai duplicar o calendário e iSync Connector funciona corretamente com o Mac OS X 10.4.10. Servidores iniciar automaticamente após um upgrade ZCS. Web-based cross-discovery caixa de entrada está disponível para o Zimbra opcional Arquivamento e módulo de descoberta.
Tags: Release, Major feature enhancements
Support for an automated MySQL database corruption check that will send a notification to the admin. Spam training has been enhanced by allowing programmatic scanning of folders without requiring a password. Admins can get backup and restore complete notifications sent via email. .Doc and .pdf files open correctly in Zimbra Web Client. iSync will not duplicate the calendar, and iSync Connector works correctly with Mac OS X 10.4.10. Servers automatically start after a ZCS upgrade. Web-based cross-mailbox discovery is available for the optional Zimbra Archiving and Discovery module.

Project Resources