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Projeto Descrição

There are many photo-gallery programs available. Zoph is different, as it concentrates on the management of large collection of photos instead of just showing them on the Web. It can store a lot of information about your photos, including the regular EXIF info, photographer, location, title, description, rating, and the people in the photo. Photos can appear in multiple albums and categories. Additional features include search, slideshows, lightboxes, email, access privileges, and multiple languages.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-09-10 13:50 Back to release list

Esta versão pré-final para a versão 0.9 inclui melhorias de funcionalidades diversas. Mais recursos foram adicionados para a importação CLI novo. A página 'edição em massa' foi melhorado, tanto em características e em velocidade de carregamento (100 vezes mais rápido em alguns casos). A "árvore view 'e páginas de" visão polegar "visão geral foram melhorados. Várias mudanças modernização estilo de codificação foram feitas.
Tags: Major feature enhancements, Minor bugfixes, Unstable
This final pre-release for version 0.9 includes several feature improvements. More features have been added to the new CLI import. The 'bulk edit' page has been improved, both in features and in loading speed (100 times faster in some cases). The 'tree view' and 'thumb view' overview pages have been improved. Several coding style modernization changes have been made.

Project Resources