Download List

Projeto Descrição

This project is a project for a Linux distribution with fully customized Japanese environment for Desktop users on Linux. It is dedicated for end users in general. You can download a custom Linux distribution from the project.

The products provided here are unofficial MX or antiX re-spins based on Debian Stable, but are not connected with it.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Liberado: 2023-04-06 19:02
IceWM | Fluxbox | JWM Desktops icewm-x64-ja-20230406 (3 files Esconder)

Release Notes

2023-04-01 00:35 JST
update: 2023-04-06 09:29 UTC

This is an unofficial derivative (re-spin) of the antiX Linux. The default desktop environment is the same as the official antiX Linux version, Rox-IceWM. This is a desktop environment that combines the Rox-Filer file manager with the IceWM window manager. The upstream base is antiX-22_x64-base.iso, which does not include the office suite.

User: demo
Demo password: demo
Root password: root

xxxxxx.iso is identical to xxxxxx-ja.iso besides "boot parameters" below:

xxxxxx-en.iso ---lang=en_US kbd=us tz=UTC
xxxxxx-ja.iso -- lang=ja_JP kbd=en,jp tz=Asia/Tokyo
You can change default locale from among pull-down list.

** Optional L10n support
The following locales are fully supported (including Firefox browser):

de_DE.UTF-8 - German locale for Germany
el_GR.UTF-8 - Greek locale for Greece
en_US.UTF-8 - English locale for the USA
es_ES.UTF-8 - Spanish locale for Spain
fr_FR.UTF-8 - French locale for France
hi_IN.UTF-8 - Hindi locale for India
hr_HR.UTF-8 - Croatian locale for Croatia
hu_HU.UTF-8 - Hungarian locale for Hungary
id_ID.UTF-8 - Indonesian locale for Indonesia
it_IT.UTF-8 - Italian locale for Italy
ja_JP.UTF-8 - Japanese locale for Japan
nl_NL.UTF-8 - Dutch locale for the Netherlands
pl_PL.UTF-8 - Polish locale for Poland
pt_BR.UTF-8 - Portuguese locale for Brasil
ru_RU.UTF-8 - Russian locale for Russia
sv_SE.UTF-8 - Swedish locale for Sweden
zh_CN.UTF-8 - Chinese locale for Simplified Chinese (簡体字)
zh_TW.UTF-8 - Chinese locale for Traditional Chinese (繁体字)

**Known bugs

** Downloading sites
An updated version is usually available at

** Origin of this snapshot.iso
Modified from the Official ISO of
antiX-22_x64-base.iso "Grup Yorum" 19 Oct 2022

**Multilingual Support
uim (universal input method) framework supports Multilingualism.
Optionally, you can enable Japanese input as follows:

Click uim IM Switcher on the toolbar to change input mode from Direct to Anthy. Then, press Shift + Space key to enable Japanese input.

Press Shift + Space key again to return to the Direct mode.

** About Universal Input Method (uim)
Uim is an input method module library which supports various scripts and can act as a front end for a range of input methods, including Anthy, Canna, or SKK (for Japanese), Pinyin (for Chinese), Byeoru (for Korean), and M17n (for many other languages). Most of its functions are implemented in Scheme, so it's very simple and flexible.

You can search additional plugins for uim as follows:
$ apt search uim-

For example:
uim-byeoru - Byeoru input module for hangul.
uim-chewing - Chewing input module for Chinese.
uim-pinyin - Traditional and Simplified Chinese.
uim-viqr - Vietnamese Quoted-Readable support.
uim-latin - Latin script input support.

To enable pinyin input for example, add uim-pinyin as:
# apt install uim-pinyin

If you need another input method for many other languages, add m17n support by installing uim-m17nlib package as follows:
# apt install uim-m17nlib

**About IceWM Desktop
It includes several other desktops besides the default desktop environment, including Fluxbox and JWM and more. You can use the menu to switch between them without having to log off.

And IceWM is considered that a desktop environment that is not very commonly used, but it is light and practical. The following link provides an article explaining what it is about.

Reference link: ROX Desktop--A habit-forming desktop environment that is lighter than GNOME and KDE

** Terms of use

This Live ISO image was released in a hope that it would be useful. Therefore you are allowed to redistribute or modify under the GNU General Public License v.3. Its full text can be found both at and onboard at /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3. But please be noted that the Upstream's trademark and its logo exclusively belong to the Official Dev Team, which means it is firmly prohibited for commercial usage without permission.

This readme.en.txt was written by Green




Replaced Seamonkey browser with Firefox-esr as same as in Official antiX-22_x64-full.iso

Added several localization support for Firefox browser

Set double-click policy as default again

Updated to the up-to-date official base as of 2023-04-06