RebornOS (5-16-2023) | 2023-05-25 13:27 |
RebornOS-ARM (3/15/2023) | 2023-03-16 03:54 |
RebornOS Beta (2022.07.29) | 2022-11-09 05:05 |
In case the partition you want to convert is your system partition you will need to perform the steps in this guide from another (GNU/Linux) operating system instance, like the RebornOS live ISO.
Do not perform this operation on data you can't afford to lose. There are reports of btrfs-convert failing, leaving behind a damaged partition.
1. Find out the device name of the partition you want to convert to Btrfs. lsblk, fdisk -l or a graphical partition manager are good ways to find the device name of the partition you want to convert.
2. If the partition is mounted, unmount it: sudo umount /dev/<device name of partition>
3. Run sudo fsck -fy /dev/<device name of partition> to check the file system for inconsistencies and repair them if possible. If issues were found, run again.
4. Run sudo btrfs-convert --uuid copy /dev/<device name of partition> to convert the file system to Btrfs. If no errors occurred, the file system should be Btrfs now.
In case the converted partition is a system partition:
5. To still be able to boot into the new Btrfs partition you have to perform the following steps:
To take full advantage of the Btrfs filesystem features read the following guide:
LastUpdate: 2021-09-22 05:14:31, ModifiedBy: damian101
GNU Free Documentation License
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