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Projeto Descrição

Blitz++ is a C++ class library for scientific computing which provides performance on par with Fortran 77/90. It uses template techniques to achieve high performance. Blitz++ provides dense arrays and vectors, random number generators, and small vectors (useful for representing multicomponent or vector fields).

System Requirements

Sistema Operacional: OS Independent

Download Package list

Últimos 5 Arquivos
Nome Tamanho Data Download count
README 2.6 KB 2012-07-04 09:17 117
blitz-0.10.tar.gz 3.7 MB 2012-07-04 09:14 155
blitz-0.9.tar.gz 3.1 MB 2005-10-18 06:51 165
blitz-0.8.tar.gz 2.7 MB 2004-11-05 10:59 10
Blitz++-0.7.tar.gz 2.0 MB 2003-09-18 12:38 22
Todos os Arquivos
Blitz++ 0.10
README2.6 KB2012-07-04 09:17117
blitz-0.10.tar.gz3.7 MB2012-07-04 09:14155
Blitz++ 0.9
blitz-0.9.tar.gz3.1 MB2005-10-18 06:51165
Blitz++ 0.8
blitz-0.8.tar.gz2.7 MB2004-11-05 10:5910
Blitz++ 0.7
Blitz++-0.7.tar.gz2.0 MB2003-09-18 12:3822
Blitz++ 0.6
blitz-0.6.tar.gz995.5 KB2002-10-05 05:4219