sqlite3dnet1-1 (Ver 1.7) | 2010-01-12 11:55 |
It is a library to use SQLite3 in .Net1.1 environment. Moreover, it has been adjusted that it is possible to use it also with a smart phone such as WindowsMobile. (The WindowsMobile version becomes it for .Net 1.0. )
The WindowsMobile(WindowsCE) version offered the user function and the user definition collating sequence function from Ver1.4.
It made it for SQLite3 Ver.3.6.16 or more. - It is a confirmed operation by even 3.6.18.
Please pass sqlite3.dll, osqlite.dll, and SQLiteCSLib.dll through the application execution directory or the execution path. Please add SQLiteCSLib.dll to the reference to the project when developing with VisualStudio2003.Net.
Sqlite3.dll and osqlite.dll operate if it copies it onto Debug and Release.
Sqlite3.dll of the Windows version is registered in DownLoad->Precompiled Binaries For Windows of the head of the house site, and download it there, please.
Sqlite3.dll and osqlite.dll of the Windows CE version will offer only ARMV4, MIPS, and the SH4 edition.
It is a run time library to have done the wrapping with simple C++ as for API of sqlite3.
It becomes a run time library to have mounted the ADO interface of Net1.1. The following classes are offered.
SQLiteCSLib.SQLiteCommand SQLiteCSLib.SQLiteConnection SQLiteCSLib.SQLiteDataReader SQLiteCSLib.SQLiteException SQLiteCSLib.SQLiteParameter SQLiteCSLib.SQLiteParameterCollection SQLiteCSLib.SQLiteTransaction SQLiteCSLib.Inner.OSQLiteDBWrap SQLiteCSLib.Inner.OSQLiteStmtWrap SQLiteCSLib.Inner.OSQLiteFunc SQLiteCSLib.Inner.OSQLiteCollation
Class SQLiteCSLib.Inner.OSQLiteDBWrap
It becomes rough of connected instances of the opening and the close, etc.
It is a class that exists in the aggregate relationship for the transaction and OSQLiteDBWrap of the inquiry etc.
It is a class that offers the user-defined function function.
User function definition interface
SQLiteCSLib.Inner.IScalarCallUserFunction SQLiteCSLib.Inner.IAggregateCallUserFunction
When the function is called to the class that mounts the above-mentioned and the interface, the mechanism being called is offered.
It is a class that offers the user definition collating sequence function.
User definition collating sequence interface
When the collating sequence (Only the text string :) is called to the class that mounts the above-mentioned and the interface, the mechanism being called is offered.
The user definition and the registration of the collating sequence function are offered to SQLiteConnection as a method.
The application to test the library is offered. Please refer to the TestApp project. It targets it for VisualStudio2003.
LastUpdate: 2009-11-08 11:49:35, ModifiedBy: dangerouswoo
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