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  • HTTP
  • SSH

List of commits

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Rev. Hora Autor
0ded331 dev 2016-11-19 22:15:53 umorigu

BugTrack/2389 Set LANG to HTML content language in skin files

22b6214 2016-11-18 01:31:12 umorigu

BugTrack/2396 Stop page redirection when new_page = old_page

26564dd 2016-11-18 01:06:57 umorigu

BugTrack/2389 Remove DTD selecting function

dc10e46 2016-11-15 08:21:22 umorigu

BugTrack/2389 Use HTML5 DocType

* Use HTML5 DocType declaration
* Remove XHTML specific meta headers - content-style-type and
* Content-Script-Type

fd549e4 2016-11-15 02:40:00 umorigu

BugTrack/2396 Redirect pages by Site Administrator

Add new property - $page_redirect_rules in pukiwiki.ini.php

8698339 2016-11-11 01:12:42 umorigu

BugTrack/2397 Enable JavaScript by default

Keep PKWK_ALLOW_JAVASCRIPT constant for the backward compatibility.
It is no longer used.

062f3c3 2016-11-08 03:25:24 umorigu

BugTrack/2062 Remove Referer function config default page

a33db83 2016-11-08 03:03:28 umorigu

BugTrack/2108 Use case insensitive index chars for page list

90127f2 2016-11-08 01:29:24 umorigu

BugTrack/2390 Fix #tracker_list with #author metadata

f1693f0 2016-11-06 18:03:59 umorigu

Merge branch 'bugtrack_2394' into branch_r1_5

BugTrack/2394 Use __construct() instead of old style constructor

7433545 2016-11-06 17:56:43 umorigu

BugTrack/2394 Add PHP4 Compatibility on constructor

PHP7 doesn't show E_DEPRECATED warning on existance of
both __constructor() and old style ClassName() constructor.

6373f67 2016-11-04 21:15:06 Akito Hachiya

BugTrack/2394 Use __construct() instead of old style constructor

2e8ab06 master upstream-dev 2016-10-29 23:59:12 umorigu

BugTrack/2392 Fix encoding: die_message() outputs suitable charset

8faad1f 2016-10-25 07:51:27 umorigu

BugTrack/2391 Remove invalid http_input setting

HTTP Input
There is no way to control HTTP input character conversion
from a PHP script. To disable HTTP input character conversion,
it has to be done in php.ini.

;; Set default HTTP input character encoding
;; Note: Script cannot change http_input setting.

f77e9b1 2016-10-24 02:39:22 umorigu

BugTrack/2367 Rename tdiary.css.php to tdiary.css

Now CSS files have no PHP/Dynamic logic.

eeb0a6f 2016-10-24 02:30:08 umorigu

Merge branch 'bugtrack2367_static_css_tdiary' into branch_r1_5

Expand all CSS variables in tDiary style file and then,
All css files has no PHP code.

f247636 2016-10-24 02:25:12 umorigu

BugTrack/2367 Expand CSS variables in tDiary skin stylefile

Style selector : (Normal colors, Black theme colors)

* thead td.style_td (D0D8E0, 223333)
* thead th.style_th (E0E8F0, 332200)
* .style_table (CCD5DD, 999999) ($c_line1)
* .style_th (EEEEEE, 333333)
* .style_td (EEF5FF, 111111) ($c_background)
* span.noexists (FFFACC, 333355) ($c_dangling)
* div#preview (F5F8FF, 222200)
* .style_calendar (CCD5DD, 999999) ($c_line1)
* .style_td_caltop (EEF5FF, 111111) ($c_background)
* .style_td_today (FFFACC, 333355) ($c_dangling)
* .style_td_sat (DDE5FF, 223333) ($c_color2)
* .style_td_sun (FFEEEE, 332200) ($c_color3)
* .style_td_blank (EEF5FF, 111111) ($c_background)
* .style_td_day (EEF5FF, 111111) ($c_background)
* .style_td_week (DDE5EE, 333333) ($c_color1)
* hr.short_line (CCD5DD, 999999) ($c_line1)
* td.vote_labe (DDE5EE, 333333) ($c_color1)
* td.vote_td1 (FFEEEE, 332200) ($c_color3)
* td.vote_td2 (DDE5FF, 223333) ($c_color2)

ee27df7 2016-10-23 23:34:48 umorigu

BugTrack/2367 Add tDiary css file for black color theme

8d272fd 2016-10-23 22:19:05 umorigu

Fix comment - 'Line feeds' to 'Carriage Return'

3dd9622 2016-10-23 22:12:47 umorigu

BugTrack/2367 Rename pukiwiki.css.php to pukiwiki.css, a static file

2baa4a8 2016-10-23 22:03:49 umorigu

Merge branch 'bugtrack2367_static_css'

Import a CSS improvement proposed by bee on BugTrack/2367.

cbb0419 2016-10-23 22:01:26 umorigu

BugTrack/2367 Static CSS - Remove PHP code remained in default CSS

8e318ed 2016-10-23 21:38:49 Akito Hachiya

Remove compression feature

6506c6d 2016-10-23 21:38:42 Akito Hachiya

Remove media selector, use media query

69e0d39 2016-10-23 21:36:23 Akito Hachiya

Remove charset selector, use UTF-8

72b7d03 html5 2016-10-22 10:36:29 Akito Hachiya

Remove compression feature

494f32a 2016-10-22 10:36:29 Akito Hachiya

Remove media selector, use media query

6f3ab70 2016-10-22 10:36:29 Akito Hachiya

Remove charset selector, use UTF-8

a5db172 2016-10-22 10:36:17 Akito Hachiya


41f0678 2016-10-22 10:34:37 Akito Hachiya

Create .travis.yml