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História de ithinker143

[Project Settings] Wiki has been changed to Disabled
[Project Settings] Bazaar has been changed to Disabled
[Project Settings] Subversion has been changed to Disabled
[Project Settings] Git has been changed to Disabled
[Project Settings] File Storage has been changed to Disabled
[Project Settings] File release has been changed to Disabled
[Project Settings] File Storage has been changed to Habilitado
[Project Settings] Wiki has been changed to Habilitado
[Project Settings] Bazaar has been changed to Habilitado
[Project Settings] Subversion has been changed to Habilitado
[Project Settings] Git has been changed to Habilitado
[Project Settings] File release has been changed to Habilitado
[Project Settings] Permissões alteradas para ithinker143
[Project Settings] Permissões alteradas para ithinker143
[Project Settings] Update project homepage url
[Project Settings] Public Info change
[Project Settings] Usage document has been changed to Disabled
[Project Settings] Usage document has been changed to Habilitado
[Project Settings] File release has been changed to Disabled