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GIT-QFOLD(1)                    Git-MQ Commands                   GIT-QFOLD(1)

       git-qfold - merge additional patches into the current patch

       git qfold [-e] [-m <text>] [-F <file>] [-k] <patch> ...

       The  git qfold  command  merges  the  content  of a series of unapplied
       patches, specified by the list  of  <patch> ...   arguments,  into  the
       topmost  applied patch.  All patches to be merged (i.e. folded) must be
       registered in the series file, and unapplied;  any  guards,  which  are
       applicable, will be overridden.

       After  folding, the folded patches will be removed from the series, and
       the associated patch files will be deleted; the -k  (or --keep)  option
       may be specified, to prevent deletion of the patch files.

       -e, --edit
           Open  an  editor,  to facilitate modification of the commit message
           for the cumulative patch, (which  has  been  specified  by  use  of
           --file,  or  --message options, or by concatenation of folded patch
           header messages), before completing the amended commit  whence  the
           cumulative  patch  is  derived; (effectively, this option is simply
           passed on to the git commit command which amends this commit).

       -F <name>, --file=<name>
       -l <name>, --logfile=<name>
           Read the text, to be used as the replacement commit  message,  from
           the  file  specified by <name>; if <name> is specified as ‘-’, read
           the commit message text from standard input.   By  convention,  git
           expects  the  -F  (or  --file)  variant  of this option; the -l (or
           --logfile) alias is accepted for compatibility with hg qfold usage.

       -m <text>, --message=<text>
           Use <text> for the commit message.  If more than  one  instance  of
           this  option is specified, each individual <text> block is appended
           to the commit message,  as  a  separate  paragraph.   This  feature
           cannot be used in conjunction with the -F (or --file) option.

       -k, --keep
           Do  not  delete  the  patch  files,  which were associated with the
           folded patches, after folding; (this will  leave  the  patch  files
           without  corresponding  series  file  entries,  as  may  be seen by
           invoking git qseries --missing).

       If no replacement commit message is specified, by use of the --file, or
       --message   options,   a   default   message  will  be  constructed  by
       concatenating any non‐empty messages which are recorded in  the  folded
       patch  headers  with  that  from  the  current  topmost  patch, if also
       non‐empty, separating each from its last  non‐empty  predecessor  by  a
       line of the form “* * *”.

       On  successful  completion, git qfold reports an exit status code of 0.
       Any non‐zero exit status code indicates that an error occurred.

       Inspired by, and for the most part based on behavioural observation  of
       Mercurial's MQ  extension, the git qfold command exhibits fundamentally
       the same behaviour as its hg qfold counterpart.

       Copyright (C) 2019, by Keith Marshall

       This man page was written by  Keith Marshall <keith@users.osdn.me>,  to
       accompany the Git-MQ program suite.  It is published under the terms of
       the GNU Free Documentation Licence, version 1.3, (or any later  version
       published by the Free Software Foundation), with no Invariant Sections,
       no Front‐Cover Texts, and no Back‐Cover Texts.

       The Git‐MQ program suite itself is distibruted under the terms  of  the
       GNU  General Public Licence, version 3, (or any later version published
       by the Free Software Foundation).

       Copies of the GNU Free Documentation Licence, and of  the  GNU  General
       Public  Licence, are included within the Git‐MQ source distribution, in
       the files FDL-1.3, and LICENCE, respectively.


Git-MQ 1.0                        31-Mar-2022                     GIT-QFOLD(1)

A copy of the above, in PDF format, is available here.