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GIT-QGUARD(1)                   Git-MQ Commands                  GIT-QGUARD(1)

       git-qguard - manage assignment of guards to patches

       git qguard [-l | --list]
       git qguard [-n | --none] [<patch>] [-- [+<guard> | -<guard>] ...]

       The  git qguard  command  may  be  used  to set, or to clear, the guard
       assignments for  any  one  patch,  or  to  display  the  current  guard
       assignments for any one, or for all patches in a Git-MQ patch series.

       The first form of git qguard, characterized by the specification of the
       -l (or --list) option, is used to display a list of all patches in  the
       series,  together  with the guards, if any, which have been assigned to
       each; when using this form of the command, it is an  error  to  specify
       the -n (or --none) option, or any other arguments.

       The  second  form  of the command is used to set, clear, or display the
       guard  assignments  for  a  single  patch,  nominated  by  the  <patch>
       argument;  if  this is unspecified, the topmost currently‐applied patch
       is implied.

       In the second form, if the  -n (or --none)  option  is  specified,  all
       guards,  if  any,  which had been assigned previously, to the nominated
       patch, are cleared; then, any guards specified by +<guard> or  -<guard>
       arguments are assigned.

       If  -n (or --none)  is  not  specified,  and  no  +<guard>  or -<guard>
       arguments are specified, then any guards which are  currently  assigned
       to the nominated patch are displayed, and remain unchanged.

       Note  that,  when any +<guard> or -<guard> arguments are specified, the
       specified guards will be assigned as replacements for  any  which  were
       previously  assigned  to  the nominated patch; thus, it is unnecessary,
       (but not forbidden), to specify -n (or --none) in conjunction with  new
       guard assignments.

       Also  note  that  the  --  separator is mandatory, if any guards of the
       -<guard> form are to be assigned.

       Guards control the behaviour of the git qpush command, when pushing one
       or more patches, according to the following strategy:—

       ·  A patch with no guards assigned may be pushed unconditionally;

       ·  otherwise,  a  patch with negative guards assigned may be pushed if,
          and only if,  none  of  those  matches  any  guard  which  has  been
          activated,  (and  not  subsequently deactivated), by the git qselect

       ·  otherwise, a patch with any positive guards assigned may  be  pushed
          if,  and only if, every one of those is matched by a guard which has
          been  activated,  (and  not  subsequently   deactivated),   by   the
          git qselect command.

       ·  The  ultimate  push  destination must represent a patch which may be
          pushed, having satisfied the preceding conditions, in the  specified
          order;  otherwise,  the git qpush command fails, without pushing any

       ·  Provided the patch, specified as the ultimate push destination,  may
          be pushed, any other patches in the path to this destination will be
          pushed if, and only if, they fully satisfy the preceding sequence of
          conditions; any which do not will be skipped.

       It follows, from the foregoing, that any patch which has the same guard
       assigned in both the positive, and in the negative sense, can never  be

       -l, --list
           Enumerate all registered patches, in series order, and identify the
           set of guards, if any, which is associated with each; this may  not
           be  used  in  conjunction  with  the  --none  option,  or  with any

       -n, --none
           Clear all guard assignments for the  named  <patch>,  (or  for  the
           topmost  applied  patch, if no <patch> argument is specified); this
           is redundant, and silently ignored, if used in conjunction with any
           +<guard> or -<guard> assignment arguments.

       On  successful completion, git qguard reports an exit status code of 0.
       Any non‐zero exit status code indicates that an error occurred.

       Inspired by, and for the most part based on behavioural observation  of
       Mercurial's MQ extension, the git qguard command exhibits fundamentally
       the same behaviour as its hg qguard counterpart.

       Copyright (C) 2019, by Keith Marshall

       This man page was written by  Keith Marshall <keith@users.osdn.me>,  to
       accompany the Git-MQ program suite.  It is published under the terms of
       the GNU Free Documentation Licence, version 1.3, (or any later  version
       published by the Free Software Foundation), with no Invariant Sections,
       no Front‐Cover Texts, and no Back‐Cover Texts.

       The Git‐MQ program suite itself is distibruted under the terms  of  the
       GNU  General Public Licence, version 3, (or any later version published
       by the Free Software Foundation).

       Copies of the GNU Free Documentation Licence, and of  the  GNU  General
       Public  Licence, are included within the Git‐MQ source distribution, in
       the files FDL-1.3, and LICENCE, respectively.

       git-qpush(1), git-qselect(1)

Git-MQ 1.0                        31-Mar-2022                    GIT-QGUARD(1)

A copy of the above, in PDF format, is available here.