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Projeto Descrição

tovid is a suite of command line utilities (and a graphical frontend) for creating video discs in DVD, VCD, SVCD, and KVCD/KDVD formats (PAL or NTSC). tovid supports a wide variety of input video formats, and can encode to several different output resolutions. Discs may be authored with hierarchical menus for navigation and playback.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-11-06 13:18 Back to release list

Esta versão corrige bugs com a criação de menus e autoração / gravar DVDs, problemas com videos widescreen ficando cortada em algumas TVs, e da substituição infame "bad" erro no Ubuntu. "todisc" apresenta efeitos novo botão e menu de opções de modelo, e configurabilidade melhor dvdauthor. "qualidade" tovid foi refinado para produzir melhores resultados para ffmpeg-base de codificação e de codificação de áudio multitrack é agora possível. O "backend" libtovid agora tem uma Cairo processamento baseado em back-end e uma interface dvdauthor.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release fixes bugs with creating menus and authoring/burning DVDs, problems with widescreen videos getting cropped on some TVs, and the infamous "bad substitution" error on Ubuntu. "todisc" features new button effects and menu template choices, and better dvdauthor configurability. "tovid" quality was tweaked to produce better results for ffmpeg-based encoding, and multitrack audio encoding is now possible. The "libtovid" backend now has a Cairo-based rendering backend and a dvdauthor interface.

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