[M+ OUTLINE FONTS 680] Re: 新しいスクリプトを導入しました

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Masato Hashimoto cabez****@gmail*****
2012年 4月 18日 (水) 21:47:24 JST


On Wed, 18 Apr 2012 17:49:17 +0900
Ryusei Yamaguchi <mande****@gmail*****> wrote:

> 山口です。
> CVSに新しいスクリプトをアップロードしました。updateすると新しいスクリプ
> トが使われます。動作しないなど問題があったら連絡お願いします。
> スクリプトをpythonで作ったのでpython対応のfontforgeじゃないと動かないと
> 思います。(動作確認の前にコミットしてしまい申し訳ありません)


OS: Arch Linux (x86_64)
$ fontforge --version
Copyright (c) 2000-2011 by George Williams.
 Executable based on sources from 23:14 GMT 25-Feb-2011-ML-D.
 Library based on sources from 13:48 GMT 22-Feb-2011.
fontforge 20110225
libfontforge 20110222-ML

fontforge は --with-python=python2 --enable-pyextension でビルドされています。

ArchLinuxではpython3がデフォルトなので、build-ttf.py に以下のシバンをいれてます。

#!/usr/bin/env python2


fontforge build-ttf.pe mplus-1m-medium.ttf hiragana1 katakana1 katakana_half1 miscellaneous1 latin_fullwidth1 latin_full_clear1  latin_monospace1 kanji
Copyright (c) 2000-2011 by George Williams.
 Executable based on sources from 23:14 GMT 25-Feb-2011-ML-D.
 Library based on sources from 13:48 GMT 22-Feb-2011.
Internal Error (overlap) in uni5DBD: monotonic is both needed and unneeded (866.154,605)->(302.333,605). x=851.538 (prev=562.5)
Internal Error (overlap) in uni5DBD: monotonic is both needed and unneeded (750,820)->(930,820). x=851.538 (prev=920)
Internal Error (overlap) in uni5DBD: Winding number did not return to 0 when x=851.538
Internal Error (overlap) in uni5DBD: Closing contour with unneeded path
fontforge build-ttf.pe mplus-1mn-medium.ttf hiragana1 katakana1 katakana_half1 miscellaneous1 latin_fullwidth1 latin_full_clear1 latin_monospace1 latin_mono_new1 kanji
Copyright (c) 2000-2011 by George Williams.
 Executable based on sources from 23:14 GMT 25-Feb-2011-ML-D.
 Library based on sources from 13:48 GMT 22-Feb-2011.
Internal Error (overlap) in uni8D64: monotonic is both needed and unneeded (193.863,95.4927)->(193.863,95.4927). y=95.4927 (prev=95.4927)
Internal Error (overlap) in uni8D64: monotonic is both needed and unneeded (495,360)->(423.5,82). y=95.4927 (prev=462.5)
Internal Error (overlap) in uni8D64: monotonic is both needed and unneeded (550,87)->(550,400). y=95.4927 (prev=350)
Internal Error (overlap) in uni8D64: monotonic is both needed and unneeded (730,244.469)->(730,95). y=95.4927 (prev=182)
Internal Error (overlap) in uni8D64: monotonic is both needed and unneeded (825,5)->(730,244.469). y=95.4927 (prev=777.5)
Internal Error (overlap) in uni8D64: monotonic is both needed and unneeded (860,385)->(990,65). y=95.4927 (prev=350)
Internal Error (overlap) in uni8D64: Winding number did not return to 0 when y=95.4927
Internal Error (overlap) in uni8D64: monotonic is both needed and unneeded (280,340)->(193.863,95.4927). x=193.863 (prev=281.235)
Internal Error (overlap) in uni8D64: monotonic is both needed and unneeded (115,380)->(280,340). x=193.863 (prev=350)
Internal Error (overlap) in uni8D64: monotonic is both needed and unneeded (320,400)->(40,400). x=193.863 (prev=67.5)
Internal Error (overlap) in uni8D64: monotonic is both needed and unneeded (40,555)->(405,555). x=193.863 (prev=67.5)
Internal Error (overlap) in uni8D64: monotonic is both needed and unneeded (405,610)->(110,610). x=193.863 (prev=362.5)
Internal Error (overlap) in uni8D64: monotonic is both needed and unneeded (110,760)->(405,760). x=193.863 (prev=362.5)
Internal Error (overlap) in uni8D64: Winding number did not return to 0 when x=193.863

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