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UltraMonkey-L7 branches for my development

Nome Rev. Hora Autor
maint 4b42962 2010-10-05 16:11:07 TATEISHI Katsuyuki

Merge commit 'origin/hb-ra-processcheck-fix' * CHANGES: merged configure.ac: discard changes for old version number Conflicts: CHANGES configure.ac

master 4b42962 2010-10-05 16:11:07 TATEISHI Katsuyuki

Merge commit 'origin/hb-ra-processcheck-fix' * CHANGES: merged configure.ac: discard changes for old version number Conflicts: CHANGES configure.ac

english-INSTALL 00a962d 2010-03-25 11:18:25 TATEISHI Katsuyuki

Add installation manual in English.