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UltraMonkey-L7 branches for my development

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Recent Commits

Rev.HoraAutorMensagem RSS
4b42962c2010-10-05 16:11:07TATEISHI KatsuyukiMerge commit 'origin/hb-ra-processcheck-fix' * CHANGES: ...
57a86af12010-10-05 15:57:16TATEISHI KatsuyukiMerge remote branch 'origin/bugfix-debuglog' into maint
a1889ed62010-08-04 11:51:56Kohei TANUMABugfix: segv when log-level of l7vs_network is set to deb...
a3d6a27c2010-07-20 14:18:43TATEISHI KatsuyukiMerge remote branch 'origin/license' into maint
430058fa2010-07-20 14:18:13TATEISHI KatsuyukiMerge remote branch 'origin/port-limit-check' into maint
397d1f042010-07-20 14:18:00TATEISHI KatsuyukiMerge remote branch 'origin/enterpriseOID-fix' into maint
670a74e02010-07-20 14:17:53TATEISHI KatsuyukiMerge remote branch 'origin/english' into maint
c7d0edab2010-06-15 18:46:59Jun SugiuraUltraMonkey-L7 2.1.3-1 release.
588c9b802010-06-15 17:41:48Jun SugiuraFix Resource Agents for HBv2
485e2ef72010-06-14 13:44:02Kohei TANUMAFixed l7directord copyright. Added COPYING files to distr...
About UltraMonkey-L7

    UltraMonkey-L7 is a opensource layer-7 load balancing software.

System requirements

           OS: Linux 2.6.9(or later)on x86 and x86_64 architecture
               We recommend to use Redhat Enterprise Linux.

          CPU: Intel x86 and x86_64 or compatible architecture processors

       Memory: 2 GB(recommended)

    Libraries: gcc4(or higher), glib2.x, perl, apache log4cxx(0.10 or higher)
               boost(1.36 or higer)


    UltraMonkey-L7 is composed of two components of Balancing Module(l7vsd)
    and Monitoring Module(l7directord).
    Balancing Module(l7vsd) is distributed under LGPL, Monitoring Module
    (l7directord) is distributed under GPL, because original ldirectord is
    also distributed under GPL.

About UltraMonkey-L7 Project

    To get more information about UltraMonkey-L7, please visit our project
    Web Site.

         Project Web Site - http://ultramonkey-l7.sourceforge.jp/
      Software repository - http://sourceforge.jp/projects/ultramonkey-l7/

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