i-doit is a Web-based IT documentation and CMDB. It documents IT-systems and their changes, defines emergency plans, displays vital information, and helps to ensure a stable and efficient IT operation. All information can be organized (details flexibly adjusted), stored, and maintained in one place. This allows simple Helpdesk, Support, and Planning functions and provides the basis for quality assurance and certification. i-doit allows services to be documented as a logical grouping of objects placed in relation to each other. This provides the basis for (ITIL) processes such as Change and Problem Management, and helps to control and manage the SLA (Service Level Agreement) or the communication with users. Its interfaces to other ITSM applications (like Nagios, Request Tracker, etc.) allow the entering of data only once in the ITSM environment. i-doit maintains one holistic view of the operational situation.
Related ProjectsRMAC, MPC-BE, Fess, phpGroupWare Japanese Project, MeCab |
mysqlblasy is a Perl script for automating MySQL
database backups. It uses "mysqldump" for dumping
mysql databases to the files sytem. It was written
with automated usage in mind. For example, it is
silent during operation, and only produces noise
on errors/problems. It rotates backups
automatically to prevent the backup disk from
getting full when the administrator is on vacation
(or is lazy).
Related ProjectsLudia, TuxGuitar, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, blanco Framework, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
Bricolage greatly simplifies the complex tasks of creating, managing, and publishing vast libraries of content. With advanced features such as fully-configurable workflows, customizable document types, and comprehensive Perl and PHP templating support, it has been designed from the ground up to scale to meet the demanding needs of large organizations around the world.
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, XOOPS, Win32 Disk Imager |
WebIssues is a multi-platform system for issue tracking and team collaboration. It can be used to store, share, and track issues with various attributes, description, comments, and file attachments. It is easy to install and use but has many capabilities and is highly customizable. Desktop and Web clients are provided.
Related ProjectsOpen Source QR Code Library, TERASOLUNA Framework, MPC-BE, Win32 Disk Imager, SharpDevelop-jp |
The Drizzle project is building a database optimized for Cloud and Net applications. It is being designed for massive concurrency on modern multi-CPU/core architectures. The code is originally derived from MySQL.
Related ProjectsWin32 Disk Imager, Firebird Manual/jpn, MeCab, PostgresForest, Tritonn |
SchemaSpy analyzes database metadata to reverse engineer dynamic Entity Relationship (ER) diagrams. It works with just about any JDBC-compliant database and can identify Ruby on Rails style databases, as well as other implied relationships.
Related ProjectsLudia, pg_bigm, MPC-BE, blanco Framework, MeCab |
vtiger CRMプロジェクトは、インストールが簡単で、業務に耐えうる、ビジネス対応のオープンソースCRMを提供します。これは、リッチなUI、レポート、複数のデータベースタイプのサポート、販売管理、在庫管理などを提供しています。デモをご利用いただけます。
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, JPiere, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, Dumpper v.60.3 |
Related ProjectsFileZilla JP Info, Win32 Disk Imager, o2on, Dumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE |
冥王ハーデスの開発、検証およびプルート (プロシージャ言語テストと操作のユーザーの) 手順を展開するための参照のオープン ソース環境を目指しています。
Related ProjectsExerb, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows, MPC-BE, blanco Framework, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
この CRM システムは、顧客サービスの向上し、売上増加を助けることができます。必要なソフトウェア: Web サーバーは、PHP と MySQL データベース サーバー。
Related Projectsグループウェア 「Aipo」, MPC-BE, MeCab, Dumpper v.60.3, ADempiere ERP Business Suite |
Nextls is a console application that keeps track of your music collection using a MySQL database to store information such as length, bitrate, metadata, and where on the hard drive it is located. When Nextls is launched, it will figure out any changes done since the previous run and update the database accordingly. The database is very simple to work with, and there also exists a sister project in Nx2 that will allow you to take your database online and stream your music from a Web browser.
Related ProjectsSmillaEnlarger, blanco Framework, DeSmuME, TuxGuitar, MalonNote |
nc-cms is a simple, fast, easy-to-use content management system (CMS). As you may know, these systems are traditionally very large, complex, and can take many weeks to integrate into a Web site. nc-cms can be integrated within an hour. It's great for managing a site with a set amount of pages.
Related ProjectsProperties Editor, Amateras, Dumpper v.60.3, WordPress Plugins/JSeries, MPC-BE |
Taolin is a Web desktop that consists of a personal dashboard customizable by adding micro-applications called widgets. Each widget offers a different service that can be provided as a view over internal services or repositories (e.g. access to a papers repository), as a communication service (e.g. Jabber Web chat), or as an external resource (e.g. Google search).
Related Projects |
MySQLBackup is a script that allows you to make date-time stamped backups of individual MySQL databases. Each database backup is a gzip compressed SQL script that can be restored and imported via the mysql command line tool. The tables of each database being backed up are locked, preserving data integrity. While this does temporarily prevent writes to the tables, the impact is reduced by backing up each database separately. This script backs up all databases accessible to the mysql user that it is configured to use. That means this script is useful to the sysadmin as well as to regular users who wish to maintain backups of their own MySQL databases.
Related ProjectsPeaZip, Programming Language ADP, Darik's Boot and Nuke, TPI, Clonezilla |
Lyra is a front-end to the Music Player Daemon (MPD). Based loosely on the Creative Media Source software, it has the aim of supporting large collections of albums and artists. Other interesting features are the implementation of a local cache of the music library using an SQLite database, increased speed, and flexibility. In addition, Lyra supports integration with the Last.fm service, which includes "Scrobbling" and album cover art.
Related ProjectsMeCab, StepMania Japan, Dumpper v.60.3, PeerCast-Users@jp, MPC-BE |