This is the official download site for the latest packages originating from the MinGW.OSDN Project, (formerly the Project; however, that domain is no longer associated with this project).
MinGW is a native Windows port of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), with freely distributable import libraries and header files for building native Windows applications; includes extensions to the MSVC runtime to support C99 functionality. Although (currently) offering only a 32-bit compiler suite, all of MinGW's software will execute on the 64bit Windows platforms.
MinGW is a registered trademark of Software in the Public Interest Inc., registration number 86017856; this trademark has been registered on behalf of the MinGW.OSDN Project, and its use by any other project is unauthorized.
Register Date: 2008-11-28 19:42
Related ProjectsAll-In-One Project, Talend Open Studio for Data Integration, MinGW-w64 - for 32 and 64 bit Windows, MergeDoc, IceTea |
CrystalDisklnfo is disk utility that supports some types of USB connections, Intel RAID, and NVMe. If anything abnormal is detected, it will notify you by text or voice message, and it supports both HDD and SSD. In addition to information like model number, volume, buffer size, it obtains S.M.A.R.T. information such as how many times the power was turned on, the time length of use, and temperature to monitor the state of the disk.
Both CrystalDiskInfo and CrystalDiskMark are open source software personally developed by me. Any software development demands huge amount of time and effort, and on top of that, new hardware devices are released one after another which becomes a necessity to purchase in order to support them. Therefore, this project needs more development funds. As to current status, this project is extremely short of funds and is in desperate need of your donations.
If you want to contribute to supporting the continuance of this project, please make donations by Paypal. Please make the amount of each contribution $10 USD or more (in JPYen, 1000Yen or more) if possible. Your contributions will be deeply appreciated.
Register Date: 2009-05-30 23:22
Related ProjectsFeliCa Library, WinTab.NET, Iometer, Usb Sniffer for Windows, Lubbo's MacBook Pro Fan Control |
CrystalDiskMark is benchmark software that measures the transfer speed of media data storage drive such as HD, SSD, USB memory, SD card and NAS.
Both CrystalDiskInfo and CrystalDiskMark are open source software personally developed by me. Any software development demands huge amount of time and effort, and on top of that, new hardware devices are released one after another which becomes a necessity to purchase in order to support them. Therefore, this project needs more development funds. As to current status, this project is extremely short of funds and is in desperate need of your donations.
If you want to contribute to supporting the continuance of this project, please make donations by Paypal. Please make the amount of each contribution $10 USD or more (in JPYen, 1000Yen or more) if possible. Your contributions will be deeply appreciated.
Register Date: 2009-06-01 22:12
Related Projectsmemory profiling tool, OpenWebLoad, BRL-CAD, WinCS, pdfcrack |
SlunkCrypt is moving to '''[]''' due to ongoing technical problems on!
Register Date: 2022-02-02 04:39
Related ProjectsAdvanced Onion Router, プロジェクト・ナニ屋, lpsolve, mcrypt, EasyPG |
Tera Term is Tera Term Pro 2.3 succession version and is being officially recognized by the original author. Tera Term is open source free software terminal emulator supporting UTF-8 protocol. Now TTSSH supports SSH2 protocol (Original version supports SSH1).
Register Date: 2004-11-09 23:01
Related ProjectsXming X Server for Windows, RealTerm: Serial/TCP Terminal, Thinstation, iTerm日本語版, ntch |
FFFTP is lightweight FTP client software. FFFTP has many useful feature such as directory mirroring, character encdoging conversion, Firewall and SOCK, one-time password support, and so on.
Register Date: 2011-09-01 13:28
Related ProjectsGetleft, libOftp, Capivara - Java filesync, jDownloader, WinSCP |
TortoiseSVN is a Subversion (SVN) client, implemented as a windows shell extension. Which means it's available right where you need it: in the Windows file explorer.
It's intuitive and easy to use, since it doesn't require the Subversion command line client to run. Simply the coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control!
Register Date: 2008-11-28 19:47
Related ProjectsComplete Walker Revision Administrator, vssjscript, TortoiseGit Japanese language pack, KDiff3, meld-installer |
Related ProjectsJYUGEM, gpx2shp, Win32 Disk Imager, SATELLITE : System Analysis Total Environment, CosmoDB |
Apache is the world's most popular HTTP server, being quite possibly the best around in terms of functionality, efficiency, security and speed.
Related ProjectsUstAlert, coroid project, SmillaEnlarger, Sledge, GLOBALBASE PROJECT |
Simple, lightweight but featureful, and easy-to-use e-mail client. It provides intuitive user-interface and fast operation.
Register Date: 2011-06-09 18:18
Related Projectsjmnews, SquirrelMail, nzb, The risky module for Mozilla and derivat, Tenfourbird |
PostgreSQL is a robust relational database system with over 25 years of active development that runs on all major operating systems. It is fully ACID compliant, and has full support for foreign keys, joins, views, triggers, and stored procedures (in multiple languages). It includes most SQL92 and SQL99 data types, including INTEGER, NUMERIC, BOOLEAN, CHAR, VARCHAR, DATE, INTERVAL, and TIMESTAMP. It also supports storage of binary large objects, including pictures, sounds, or video. It has native programming interfaces for C/C++, Java, .Net, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl, and ODBC, among others, and exceptional documentation.
Related ProjectsWin32 Disk Imager, Tritonn, Dumpper v.60.3, pg_bigm, MPC-BE |
cdrtools (formerly cdrecord) creates home-burned CDs/DVDs with a CDR/CDRW/DVD/BluRay recorder. It works as a burn engine for several applications. It supports CD/DVD/BD recorders from many different vendors; all SCSI-3/mmc- and ATAPI/mmc-compliant drives should also work. Supported features include IDE/ATAPI, parallel port, and SCSI drives; audio CDs, data CDs, and mixed CDs; full multi-session support; CD-RWs, DVD-R/-RW, DVD+R/+RW, BD-R/BD-RE; and TAO, DAO, RAW, and human-readable error messages. cdrtools includes remote SCSI support and can access local or remote CD/DVD/BD writers.
Related ProjectsDarik's Boot and Nuke, DeSmuME, StepMania Japan, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, XOOPS for you |
7-Zip é um compactador de arquivos com alta taxa de compressão.
As principais características do 7-Zip
Register Date: 2008-11-20 14:09
Related Projectsp7zip, TTA Lossless Audio Codec, PeaZip, LHa for UNIX, Info-ZIP project |
FileZilla Client is a free, open source, cross-platform FTP client. Binaries are available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It supports FTP, SFTP, and FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS).
FileZilla Server is a sister product of FileZilla Client. It is an FTP server supported by the same project and features support for FTP and FTP over SSL/TLS.
Register Date: 2008-11-27 20:16
Related ProjectseMule, MUTE, PeerBlock, o2on, aMule - all-platform eMule P2P Client |
MySQL is a widely used and fast SQL database server. It is a client/server implementation that consists of a server daemon (mysqld) and many different client programs/libraries.
Related ProjectsDumpper v.60.3, Win32 Disk Imager, Ludia, OpenOLAP, blanco Framework |