Simple Project List Software Map

121 projects in result set
Última Atualização: 2014-11-30 23:31


PL/JSON は、PL/SQL で記述されたジェネリックの JSON オブジェクトです。PL/SQL オブジェクト構文を使用して、ユーザー JSON オブジェクトをインスタンス化およびメンバー、アレイおよびその他の JSON オブジェクトを追加します。このオブジェクト型永続的に Oracle では、JSON データを格納できます。

(Machine Translation)
Database Environment: Other API
Desenvolvimento Estado: 5 - Production/Stable
Destinado Audiência: Developers
Sistema Operacional: OS Independent
Linguagem de Programação: PL/SQL
Última Atualização: 2011-04-30 07:51


!GelSheet は、ユーザーを作成、編集、あなたの日常の仕事の多くの形式でエクスポートできるように、フリーでオープン ソース web スプレッドシートです。いずれかのスタンドアロンを実行するまたは別の web ツール内に統合されています。Opengoo web 事務所の一部として生まれた

(Machine Translation)
Database Environment: SQL-based, MySQL
Desenvolvimento Estado: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Linguagem de Programação: JavaScript, PHP
Interface de Usuário: Web Environment
Última Atualização: 2015-08-02 18:50


!JsonRpc Cpp は C++ で JSON を-RPC プロトコルのオープン ソース実装です。JSON を-RPC は XML-RPC のような軽量のリモート プロシージャ コール プロトコルです。

(Machine Translation)
Desenvolvimento Estado: 3 - Alpha
Linguagem de Programação: C++
Última Atualização: 2010-05-07 04:21


春 Json ビューは Spring MVC に !JavaScript オブジェクト表記法 (JSON) サポートを追加します。それは Spring MVC モジュールに深く統合されてし、さまざまな標準的なコント ローラーで使用することができます。

(Machine Translation)
Destinado Audiência: Developers
Linguagem de Programação: Java, JavaScript
Tópico:, JSON
Interface de Usuário: Web Environment
Última Atualização: 2013-02-22 01:35


appengine-rest-server is a drop-in server for Google App Engine applications that exposes your data model via a REST API with no extra work.

(Machine Translation)
Linguagem de Programação: Python
Última Atualização: 2010-07-31 12:33


ZTopo is a tool for seamlessly viewing United States Geological Survey topographic maps. It can overlay geographic and UTM grids on maps, supports printing, and transparently downloads maps from the Internet as needed.

(Machine Translation)
Linguagem Natural: English
Sistema Operacional: MacOSX, Windows
Linguagem de Programação: C++, Python
Tópico:, JSON
Interface de Usuário: Qt
Última Atualização: 2010-05-26 08:27

Lingua Server

Lingua Server is a fast multi-protocol application service server in Java. Its main features are very fast response times, a pluggable protocol and transport architecture, very easy application service development (MVC), built-in cluster support using multicast, auto-discovery, and distributed shared objects.

(Machine Translation)
Linguagem Natural: English
Sistema Operacional: OS Independent
Linguagem de Programação: Java
Última Atualização: 2012-09-17 20:49


Sirix is a versioned tree-based storage system. It provides Snapshot Isolation through MVCC and is best suited for flash-based storage. The tree encoding is suited for heavy update operations. It provides diffing algorithms either to import diffs between currently shredded (imported) XML documents to update a tree structure or to get the differences between versions of a tree structure. A GUI provides several visualizations for comparing imported tree structures.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2011-02-22 05:38


Osgish is a command line shell for OSGi. It is based on the Readline Library, Jmx4Perl, as the OSGi backend, and Aries JMX as the OSGi Management layer. It is different than other OSGi shells, as it is implemented in pure Perl and provides unique features like wildcard support, context-sensitive command line completion, syntax highlighting, bulk lifecycle operations, advanced query facilities, and remoting via HTTP. It uses jmx4perl and Aries JMX OSGi bundles for accessing the OSGi container remotely.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2013-07-04 12:30


Config4all is a class that can load and parse configuration files in formats such as PHP scripts, XML, INI, and JSON. It can load multiple files at once with wildcards, and can get or set values.

(Machine Translation)
Linguagem Natural: English
Linguagem de Programação: PHP
Tópico:, JSON
Última Atualização: 2011-07-02 20:01


KnLiveCommentary is a realtime video comment streamer. It allows the task of adding comments and showing comments while playing a video stream in realtime. Video data and comments are fetched from a server and comments are displayed as scrolling top or bottom captions as the video advances. KnLiveCommentary also allows an authentication method and provides functions for filtering live comments. This is a project inspired by the video player at

(Machine Translation)
Linguagem Natural: Chinese (Simplified)
Linguagem de Programação: Flex, PHP
Tópico:, JSON, XML
Última Atualização: 2013-05-29 23:00


Sails.JS is a NodeJS MVC framework made with building API apps quickly in mind. It provides a RESTful JSON API, Websocket Support, ORM-based database connections, and support for many databases via adapters.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2014-02-10 20:44


Pynorama is an image viewer which is tailored for viewing comics. It lacks any image editing capabilities.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2010-03-16 21:31


XBSDB allows you to operate with data arrays in your JavaScript code like with SQL data.
You can insert, delete, update, and select records, and you can use indexes to make the selection faster. JSON-based methods allow you to prepare data on one side (browser or Web server) and to load them on the other (Web server or browser).
Using XBSDB allows you to move some database operations from the Web server to the client machine and to reduce number of Web server requests.
XBSDB consists of two parts, one for the browser and one for the Web server. The browser part is the core; the Web server part just prepares data for exchange. The browser part is JavaScript code, and the Web server part is presented in two equivalent variants in Perl and PHP.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2010-03-23 22:14

LikeOrHate Python Library

LikeOrHate Python Library makes it more convenient to write Python programs that use the REST-like API provided by

(Machine Translation)
Sistema Operacional: BSD, OS Independent
Linguagem de Programação: Curl, Python, Python
Interface de Usuário: Web Environment