Simple Project List Software Map

3 projects in result set
Última Atualização: 2022-03-12 22:03

Citizen Intelligence Agency

政治家を、バグのように追跡します。Java、Maven、Spring 3.x、Hibernate 3.5.x、Ehcache 2.x、Vaadin、javamelody を使用します。

Última Atualização: 2011-07-08 22:36

District Builder

District Builder is a software application designed to give the public transparent, accessible, and easy-to-use mapping tools to draw the boundaries of their communities or to generate redistricting plans for their state and localities. The drawing of electoral districts is among the least transparent processes in democratic governance. All too often, redistricting authorities maintain power by obstructing public participation. The resulting districts embody the goals of politicians to the detriment of the representational interests of communities and the public at large. With District Builder, the public has the capacity to create and submit district plans for municipal, county, and state governments, support redistricting competitions, and keep the entire process open. In addition to legislative redistricting, District Builder's flexibility accommodates school districts, police districts, and many other redistricting needs.

Última Atualização: 2011-09-23 22:25


District Builder is a software application designed to give the public transparent, accessible, and easy-to-use mapping tools to draw the boundaries of their communities or to generate redistricting plans for their state and localities. The drawing of electoral districts is among the least transparent processes in democratic governance. All too often, redistricting authorities maintain power by obstructing public participation. The resulting districts embody the goals of politicians to the detriment of the representational interests of communities and the public at large. With District Builder, the public has the capacity to create and submit district plans for municipal, county, and state governments, support redistricting competitions, and keep the entire process open. In addition to legislative redistricting, District Builder's flexibility accommodates school districts, police districts, and many other redistricting needs.

(Machine Translation)