Simple Project List Software Map

382 projects in result set
Última Atualização: 2013-03-20 05:06


無料のオープン ソースの PDF リーダーのスマート フォンを使用して Windows Mobile 2003/2003SE、WM5 と WM6) これは一般的なすべての Windows Mobile オペレーティング システムを使用してスマート フォンのための無料の PDF リーダーです.Cab インストーラーは無料ダウンロード可能なも。

(Machine Translation)
Desenvolvimento Estado: 4 - Beta, 5 - Production/Stable
Destinado Audiência: Advanced End Users, Developers
Linguagem Natural: English
Sistema Operacional: Windows CE
Linguagem de Programação: C++
Última Atualização: 2003-10-06 03:48

GAI Visual Audio

GAI Visual Audio displays the spectrum or scope of
the audio that is played by XMMS. It works with
the GNOME panel and most window mangers that
support a dock.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2005-02-20 05:32

TV in a box

TV in a box is an applet that adds a small TV to your dock or panel. It has most features that normal TV viewing applications have.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2004-04-25 03:16


selectwm is a simple but robust program that will
let you pick a window manager (or other
executable) to run at X startup, and optionally
after a window manager exits. It uses the GTK+
toolkit, and includes options like a timer to
start the default window manager and modification
of the window manager list from within selectwm.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2005-12-15 11:00


Wmufo is a dockable application that monitors and controls multiple SETI@Home clients. It can either display statistics on the current SETI workunit or run an animation of various alpha-blended glowing ball UFOs and a spinning saucer flying back and forth across a starfield.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2003-05-01 21:21


wmwork provides a monitor on a 64x64 mini window that helps you keeping track of your time. The idea is based on the Worklog program. In contrast to Worklog, wmwork is a graphical application designed to work with the Window Maker dock, but will also work with other window managers.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2011-10-31 23:33


Notion is a tiling tabbed window manager for X. This means the screen can be freely divided into tiles that contain the client windows. Multiple client windows can occupy the same tile; in that case they will be tabbed, much like browser tabs. This way, windows will not overlap and it becomes easier to manage your screen real estate. Its functionality can be configured and even extended with Lua scripts. Various scripts are available, such as for NetWM features and multihead support.

(Machine Translation)
Linguagem Natural: Czech, English, Finnish
Sistema Operacional: Linux, SunOS/Solaris
Linguagem de Programação: C, Lua
Última Atualização: 2014-12-25 00:00


Nova32 EXIRION/OS プロジェクト、一度にタスクの実行、EXIRION/OS オペレーティング システムは、モノリシック、モノラル層状楽器電子および産業用アプリケーションの広い範囲を提供する PLC の使用せず複雑な電子機器を制御するために使用することができますタスクを必要とする特定の操作で使用することができますコンピューターのためのフリーなオペレーティング システムへようこそ、ジェックスが含まれていますを設計するグラフィカルなプログラムを生成するためのグラフィカル インターフェイス個人使用システム EXIRION/OS のすべてのユーザーの特定のニーズを対象とするも、教育ツールはだ大学や専門学校コードのオペレーティング システムの構築の例として使用するオープン ソースのオペレーティング システム。EXIRION/OS はオープン ソースのオペレーティング システムを利益を追求しない、あなたの目標は、個人的および教育的活動を促進します。著作権 (C) 2014年ローランド フェルナンデス ベナビデス GNU 一般公衆ライセンス 3.0

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2020-10-02 04:06

Unified Sessions Manager

!UnifiedSessionsManager では、さまざまな物理マシンと仮想マシンの異種 IT ランドス ケープを構成するプライベート クラウド内のユーザー セッションの統合管理をサポートします。Ddocuments 参照してください。今後のバージョン V2.0NG - 次世代は Qt、C++、Python、!JavaScript で実装された GUI とサーバの追加アドオンと純粋な Python です。強化されたパフォーマンス、保守、および NLS* * 利用できるすぐに * * プレリリース ACCU 2012 音声: 20impact% 20of% 20virtualization% 20on% 20software% 20architectures% 20and% 20lifecycles -% 20a% 20practical approach V2.0NG - !PyConfigExtended - !PyObjectTrees-> Jarngreipr - Megingiard>-> Mjoelnir->->

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2006-02-06 11:17


NeWBIE is a NetBSD live CD geared towards the
desktop user. It includes software for Web
browsing, chatting, multimedia, and document editing.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2012-08-26 18:26


wmphoto+ displays the images in the dockable application window. You can switch the images manually or display them as a slide show. Each image accepts up to two related commands. You can run them using mouse buttons when the application displays the image. Using the alternative configuration directories, you can run a few instances of the program that display the different sets of images.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2003-01-07 20:29


The DefCon epplet shows your current Defense Condition (remember WarGames?) based on your current system load. When your machine's load is low, you are at DefCon 5, peace. When your machine's load is high you reach DefCon 1 and the general pipes in.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2005-11-06 19:42


wmSMPmon is a Window Maker applet for monitoring
the CPUs, memory, and swap of SMP systems.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2022-03-21 01:38


ReactOS は、Microsoft Windows NT ファミリー(NT4, 2000, XP, 2003)用に書かれたアプリケーションやドライバと互換のある質の高いOSを開発するオープンソースの取り組みです。

Última Atualização: 2003-05-29 19:11


XScreenSaver.App is a Window Maker dockapp control for XScreenSaver.

(Machine Translation)