UnicodeDataBrowser is a browser for the UnicodeData.txt file, which contains much useful information but is not easily read by humans. It creates a scrollable table in which columns represent properties. The table may be sorted on any column. Abbreviations are expanded and characters cross-referenced in decomposition and casing fields are named. Regular expression search restricted to a selected column is available. The set of characters for which information is displayed may be restricted to those characters matching a regular expression on a specified property.
Related ProjectsiReport-Designer for JasperReports, SharpDevelop-jp, TuxGuitar, Properties Editor, nkf Network Kanji Filter |
FDCC (Formal Definitions of Cultural Conventions)
or locale files define the conventions used by
your language and country to write items such as
dates and time, days of the week, months, and
numbers. The Vim locale file highlighter
highlights ISO TR 14652-style locale input files
for easier editing
Related ProjectsDeSmuME, TuxGuitar, Amateras, SharpDevelop-jp, Properties Editor |
OmegaT is a translation memory application intended for professional translators. It does not translate for you (software that does this is called "machine translation"). It features fuzzy matching, match propagation, simultaneous processing of multiple-file projects, simultaneous use of multiple translation memories, and external glossaries. Document file formats include plain text, HTML, and OpenOffice.org/StarOffice. It has Unicode (UTF-8) support (can be used with non-Latin alphabets). It is compatible with other translation memory applications (TMX Level 1).
Related ProjectsMeCab, nkf Network Kanji Filter, Dumpper v.60.3, Properties Editor, OpenOffice.org document project by oooug.jp |
I18N is a class that gets translation texts from flat files or from an SQL database. The system supports variables in translated strings and has a conversion facility to move data from one container to another. An included tool checks programs against sets of translated strings to detect references without strings or unused strings. Each call checks that referenced variables exist.
Related ProjectsAmateras, MeCab, Properties Editor, MPC-BE, TOMBO |
The Okapi project’s main purpose is to architect a set of building blocks for the creation of larger open source localization and translation tools. But many Okapi components are generic enough to be of interest to the text mining, natural language processing, and text retrieval communities. Okapi’s many text filters (HTML, Properties, XML (ITS XPath-based rules), OpenXML, ODF, Regex etc.) provide a straightforward way to access the text of multiple document formats. Its document events and pipeline can be made to integrate with other frameworks such as UIMA, LingPipe, OpenPipeline, OpenNLP, GATE, and Lucene. The advantage of Okapi’s text filters is that not only is text extracted, but all non-textual formatting is preserved. It is possible to decompose a document into events, process them via the pipeline, and then rebuild the input document without loss. Structural information can be added to Okapi document events so that tables, lists, links, titles etc. are grouped together and treated as a unit. This is useful when context based on a “universal” document structure is needed. The Okapi event model supports user configurable annotations, similar to UIMA, but simpler and more restricted in scope. User can annotate spans of text or add new resources such as translation memory matches, terminology, token types, or part of speech information.
Related ProjectsDeSmuME, ChaSen legacy, nkf Network Kanji Filter, Darik's Boot and Nuke, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
pg_collkey is a wrapper to use the collation
functions of the ICU library with a PostgreSQL
database server. Using this wrapper, you can
specify the desired locale for sorting UTF-8
strings directly in the SQL query, rather than
setting it during database installation. Default
Unicode collation (DUCET) is supported. You can
select whether punctuation should be a primary
collation attribute or not. The level of
comparison can be limited (in order to ignore
accents, for example). Numeric sequences of
strings can be recognized, so that 'test2' sorts
before 'test10'. This library is dependent on ICU.
Related ProjectsDarik's Boot and Nuke, SmillaEnlarger, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Amateras, Properties Editor |
Qgonki is a small tool for converting Polish
letters between severals standards, like
ISO-8859-2, Windows-1250, and others. It's useful
for Polish webmasters who want to go with the
world standards, but whose contributors are stuck
in Windows.
Related ProjectsTuxGuitar, SharpDevelop-jp, SmillaEnlarger, nkf Network Kanji Filter, Properties Editor |
Xutf8 is a set of locale independent X11
functions. It includes functions to draw UTF-8
text in both the left-to-right and right-to-left
directions. It has an input function which
converts single-byte and double-byte strings to
UTF-8. A function to create a specific fontset is
also included.
Related ProjectsTuxGuitar, TERASOLUNA Framework, Open Source QR Code Library, Amateras, DeSmuME |
side-menu-generator-and-handler is a set of PHP classes that generate hierarchical menus defined in XML files. They read given XML configuration file with a definition of a hierarchy of menus. The classes generate nested HTML lists and JavaScript code to present the defined menus in a Web page. The texts used in the menus can be read from a database using a separate localization class. The JS object can manage hierarchical menus of HTML content sections. It can register event handlers to listen to clicks on menu entry icons that make sub-menus expand or collapse. The object can also make content be loaded when menu entries are clicked.
Related ProjectsGLOBALBASE PROJECT, BlueGriffon Japanese Language Pack, Darik's Boot and Nuke, Chattr, TuxGuitar |
The TMX Localization Editor allows for the
viewing, editing, and saving of localization data
in the TMX open standard. Based on locale4j and
written in Java/Swing, it is a quick and useful
tool for localizing applications. Currently, the
editor implements the TMX 2.0 draft specification.
Related ProjectsDumpper v.60.3, X/Qt Server, Amateras, SharpDevelop-jp, MeCab |
Virtaal is a tool for computer-aided translation that offers a simple, user friendly interface. It includes powerful features such as translation memory, terminology management, and placeable handling. Virtaal can edit files such as Gettext PO, XLIFF, and various other localization formats.
Related ProjectsAzuki, SmillaEnlarger, Darik's Boot and Nuke, DeSmuME, KiriKiri Development Environment |
SILGraphite (formerly OpenGraphite) is a project within SIL's Non-Roman Script Initiative and Language Software Development groups to provide extensible cross-platform rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems. It consists of a rule-based programming language, Graphite Description Language (GDL), that can be used to describe the behavior of a writing system, a compiler for that language, and a rendering engine that can serve as the backend of a text processing application. SILGraphite renders TrueType fonts that have been extended by means of compiling a GDL program. It is currently being integrated into Gecko/Mozilla through the SILA project, a GNU/Linux port is also underway, and there are plans for OpenOffice.org and Abiword integration.
Related ProjectsM+ FONTS, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Amateras, MeCab, Properties Editor |
SWeTE Server is an HTTP reverse proxy with built-in translation capability. It allows you to convert any website into multiple languages.
Related ProjectsPukiWiki Advance, Darik's Boot and Nuke, BlueGriffon Japanese Language Pack, DeSmuME, TuxGuitar |
The CentralNic Unicode Library (Unicode.php) provides some PHP classes for manipulating Unicode data. These classes are general purpose, but are intended for use when working with Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs).
Related ProjectsTuxGuitar, Amateras, SmillaEnlarger, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, SharpDevelop-jp |
Transifex is a system that facilitates the process of submitting translations in various version control systems by acting as a proxy for these submissions for a whole translation community. The name literally means "translation-builder" (from the Latin verb facere).
Related ProjectsBenten, Programming Language ADP, DeSmuME, Darik's Boot and Nuke, skf - simple kanji filter |