Simple Project List Software Map

876 projects in result set
Última Atualização: 2023-08-03 19:48


CrystalDisklnfo is disk utility that supports some types of USB connections, Intel RAID, and NVMe. If anything abnormal is detected, it will notify you by text or voice message, and it supports both HDD and SSD. In addition to information like model number, volume, buffer size, it obtains S.M.A.R.T. information such as how many times the power was turned on, the time length of use, and temperature to monitor the state of the disk.

  • Important Notice

Both CrystalDiskInfo and CrystalDiskMark are open source software personally developed by me. Any software development demands huge amount of time and effort, and on top of that, new hardware devices are released one after another which becomes a necessity to purchase in order to support them. Therefore, this project needs more development funds. As to current status, this project is extremely short of funds and is in desperate need of your donations.

If you want to contribute to supporting the continuance of this project, please make donations by Paypal. Please make the amount of each contribution $10 USD or more (in JPYen, 1000Yen or more) if possible. Your contributions will be deeply appreciated.

Desenvolvimento Estado: 5 - Production/Stable
Destinado Audiência: End Users/Desktop
Linguagem Natural: English, Japanese
Sistema Operacional: Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows Vista
Linguagem de Programação: C++
Tópico: Hardware
Interface de Usuário: Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2009-05-30 23:22
Última Atualização: 2022-10-30 08:35


CrystalDiskMark is benchmark software that measures the transfer speed of media data storage drive such as HD, SSD, USB memory, SD card and NAS.

  • Important Notice

Both CrystalDiskInfo and CrystalDiskMark are open source software personally developed by me. Any software development demands huge amount of time and effort, and on top of that, new hardware devices are released one after another which becomes a necessity to purchase in order to support them. Therefore, this project needs more development funds. As to current status, this project is extremely short of funds and is in desperate need of your donations.

If you want to contribute to supporting the continuance of this project, please make donations by Paypal. Please make the amount of each contribution $10 USD or more (in JPYen, 1000Yen or more) if possible. Your contributions will be deeply appreciated.

Desenvolvimento Estado: 5 - Production/Stable
Destinado Audiência: End Users/Desktop
Linguagem Natural: English, Japanese
Sistema Operacional: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Linguagem de Programação: C++
Tópico: Benchmark
Interface de Usuário: Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2009-06-01 22:12
Última Atualização: 2018-06-08 07:29

Win32 Disk Imager

このプログラムは、RAWディスクイメージをリムーバブルデバイスに書き込むか、もしくはリムーバブルデバイスをRAWイメージディスクにバックアップすることに設計されています。これはAndroidやUbuntu on ArmといったArm用の組込み開発にとって非常に有用です。誰もがプロジェクトを分機し、改変することもできます。パッチはいつも歓迎です。

Desenvolvimento Estado: 4 - Beta
Destinado Audiência: Advanced End Users
Sistema Operacional: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Linguagem de Programação: C++
Interface de Usuário: Qt
Última Atualização: 2015-06-01 15:59

Media Player Classic - Home Cinema

MPC-HC は非常に軽量な Windows 用オープン ソースのメディア プレーヤーです。再生に使用される一般的なすべてのビデオおよびオーディオ ファイル形式をサポートしています。私たちは 100% スパイウェアを含まず、広告やツール バーもありません。

このプロジェクトは、オリジナルの Guliverkli プロジェクト を基に、機能追加およびバグ修正を行っています。詳細については、プロジェクトのウェブサイトにあるリスト(完全版)を参照してください。

Última Atualização: 2010-01-21 00:04




Destinado Audiência: End Users/Desktop
Linguagem Natural: Japanese
Sistema Operacional: Windows Vista, Windows XP
Linguagem de Programação: C++
Tópico: Conversion
Interface de Usuário: Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2008-08-12 16:19
Última Atualização: 2016-08-09 20:26

Xming X Server for Windows

Xming は、Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (+ Server 2003/2008/2012) のための、すぐれたX Window サーバです。完全な機能を有し、小型で高速、簡単にインストールでき、Microsoft Windows上で単独で動作するとともに、(マシン毎にインストールすることなく)どこででも使えます。

Última Atualização: 2015-04-01 19:27

ONVIF Device Manager

ONVIF Device Manager は、ネットワークビデオトランスミッター(NVT)およびネットワークビデオ解析(NVA)デバイスを管理するためのネットワークビデオクライアント(NVC)です。検出、デバイス、メディア、イメージング、解析、イベント、PTAサービスなどが実装されています。メディアデコードのためにffmpegを使い、C#で書かれています。

Última Atualização: 2013-10-11 20:06


Oolite is an independent reinterpretation and ehancement of the classic space sim game Elite for modern computers. The result is a space trading and combat simulation offering encounters with pirates, police, bounty hunters, the occasional alien menace, and other surprises along the way. While striving to reach the coveted Elite status, the players set their own path through the various galaxies, choosing to be trader, pirate, or bounty hunter depending on the situation at hand, and their own judgement. The game is hugely expandable, using a combination of property lists and JavaScript. Oolite's active modding community already provides more than 200 OXPs (Oolite eXpansion Packs). Among them are a huge variety of missions, weapons, ships, and extra career paths over and above what's available within the core game, as well as a number of other gameplay enhancements and customizations.

Última Atualização: 2017-07-13 15:53

Null-modem emulator

Null-modem emulator:ヌルモデムエミュレータ( com0com )は、カーネルモードで動作するWindows用の仮想シリアルポートドライバです。Null-modem emulator(com0com)をインストールしたマシンでは、仮想COMポートのペアを無制限に作成することができます。そして、作成したペアを使ってCOMポートを使用するアプリケーションと接続することができます。

Desenvolvimento Estado: 5 - Production/Stable
Destinado Audiência: Advanced End Users, Developers, Testers
Linguagem Natural: English
Linguagem de Programação: C, C++
Interface de Usuário: Command-line, Win32 (MS Windows)
Última Atualização: 2014-05-07 22:33


StoryText (formerly PyUseCase) is an unconventional GUI testing tool written in Python. It currently has mature support for PyGTK, beta status support for Java Swing, SWT/Eclipse RCP, and Tkinter, and very basic support for wxPython. Instead of recording GUI mechanics directly, it asks the user for descriptive names and hence builds up a "domain language" along with a "UI map file" that translates it into the current GUI layout. Instead of an "assertion" mechanism, it auto-generates a log of the GUI appearance and changes to it, so as to use that as a baseline for text-based testing, using e.g. TextTest. Instead of requiring the tester to add "wait" statements by hand, it includes support for instrumenting code so that "waits" can be recorded.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2021-10-25 00:55

Route Generator

ルート ジェネレーターは地図上にルートを描画し、それから映画を生成するツールです。この映画はあなたのビデオ編集ソフトウェア (例: ピナクル スタジオ) インポートすることができますので、自分のムービーを追加することができます。

(Machine Translation)
Desenvolvimento Estado: 5 - Production/Stable
Destinado Audiência: End Users/Desktop
Linguagem Natural: English
Sistema Operacional: Linux, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Linguagem de Programação: C++
Interface de Usuário: Qt
Última Atualização: 2019-07-27 16:57


!GrandOrgue は、サンプル ベースのパイプ オルガン シミュレータです。MIDI キーボードやオーディオ システムに接続したら、正確に実際のパイプ オルガンの音をシミュレートできます。このアプリケーションは、Linux、Windows と OS X のビルド。

(Machine Translation)
Desenvolvimento Estado: 5 - Production/Stable
Destinado Audiência: Other Viewers
Linguagem Natural: English, French, Swedish
Linguagem de Programação: C++
Interface de Usuário: wxWidgets
Última Atualização: 2021-11-14 14:33


libusb-win32は、USBライブラリであるlibusb ( )の32/64ビットWindows (2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Win7, 2008;98SE/MEはv0.1.12.2まで)への移植版です。このライブラリは、Windows上でユーザモードのアプリケーションから多くのUSBデバイスへアクセスを行うことを可能にします。

Última Atualização: 2021-06-10 09:17

GPT fdisk

GPT fdisk は Linuxの fdiskに似た、マスターブートレコード(MBR)パーティションテーブルではなくGUIDパーティションテーブル(GPT)ディスクを操作するために使うディスクのパーティショニングツールです。

Desenvolvimento Estado: 4 - Beta
Destinado Audiência: System Administrators
Sistema Operacional: MacOSX, FreeBSD, Linux, Windows 7, Windows Vista
Linguagem de Programação: C++
Interface de Usuário: Command-line, Console/Terminal
Última Atualização: 2013-04-14 00:08

ASIO Window Media Player Plugin

ASIOWmpPlgは、ユーザ選択のASIOデバイスから受信したオーディオを再生するWindows Media Playerのプラグインです。Windows Media Centerのアプリケーションもサポートされています。

Desenvolvimento Estado: 5 - Production/Stable
Destinado Audiência: End Users/Desktop
Linguagem Natural: English
Sistema Operacional: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Linguagem de Programação: C++
Interface de Usuário: Plugins