Simple Project List Software Map

359 projects in result set
Última Atualização: 2023-07-07 20:21

KiCad is an open-source electronics CAD tool. You can create schematics and design PCBs using an extensive open source library of parts. View your resulting PCBs in 3D and export to gerbers for manufacturing.

Desenvolvimento Estado: 5 - Production/Stable
Destinado Audiência: Engineering
Linguagem Natural: English, French, Japanese
Linguagem de Programação: C++, Python
Interface de Usuário: wxWidgets
Register Date: 2020-07-09 11:54
Última Atualização: 2013-01-08 01:15

Uneven Weir Calcs

水位流量関係、例えば不均一またはカスタムの堰による流量曲線を計算して作成するツールです。Visual Studio 2008 を使用して開発され、crystal reportはレポートの生成に使用されました。表示、分析レポートを印刷するには、crystal reportのランタイムが必要です。crystal reportインストーラーは、CRRedist2008_x64.msi (64 ビット演算システム用) と CRRedist2008_x86.msi (32 ビット演算システム用)、どちらもダウンロード可能です。

Desenvolvimento Estado: 4 - Beta
Destinado Audiência: Engineering
Sistema Operacional: Windows 7, Windows XP
Linguagem de Programação: Visual Basic .NET
Interface de Usuário: Win32 (MS Windows)
Última Atualização: 2015-04-01 19:27

ONVIF Device Manager

ONVIF Device Manager は、ネットワークビデオトランスミッター(NVT)およびネットワークビデオ解析(NVA)デバイスを管理するためのネットワークビデオクライアント(NVC)です。検出、デバイス、メディア、イメージング、解析、イベント、PTAサービスなどが実装されています。メディアデコードのためにffmpegを使い、C#で書かれています。

Última Atualização: 2014-05-22 15:03

RealTerm: Serial/TCP Terminal

バイナリと難かしいデータを特にターゲットとするシリアル端末プログラムです。 (1) バイナリデータとデバッギング難しい通信問題。(2) activeXインターフェースを介して他のコンポーネントとして使用するためのコマンド。commポートとTCPをサポート。

Desenvolvimento Estado: 6 - Mature
Destinado Audiência: Developers, Engineering
Linguagem Natural: English
Linguagem de Programação: Delphi/Kylix
Interface de Usuário: Win32 (MS Windows)
Última Atualização: 2021-01-08 12:21

ProjectLibre Project Management

ProjectLibre は、Microsoft Project のオープン ソースの代替です。ProjectLibreは、Microsoft Project 2003, 2007 および 2010の各形式ファイルに互換性を保持します。そのため、あなたは簡単にLinux, Mac OS, WIndows環境でファイルを開くことができます。

Última Atualização: 2014-04-08 13:39


wasora is a computational tool designed to aid a cognizant expert, whether an engineer, scientist, technician, or geek, to analyze complex systems by solving mathematical problems by means of a high-level plain-text input file containing algebraic expressions, data for function interpolation, differential equations, and output instructions amongst other facilities. At first glance, it may look like another high-level interpreted programming language, but it should be seen as a syntactically-sweetened way to ask a computer to perform a certain mathematical calculation. For example, the famous Lorenz system may be solved by writing the three differential equations in a human friendly plain text file.

(Machine Translation)
Destinado Audiência: Engineering
Sistema Operacional: Cygwin (MS Windows), Linux
Linguagem de Programação: C
Última Atualização: 2014-05-03 16:18


fxopt is a plugin for GCC that converts floating-point functions to fixed-point arithmetic, primarily for implementation in embedded, real-time systems without floating-point hardware. The conversion is performed in GCC's "middle-end", after the source code has been converted to GCC's intermediate representation but before any target-specific optimizations are done. Several optimization options are available to improve the accuracy of the fixed-point arithmetic, including affine range estimation, rounding, and double-precision multiplications. Fixed-point code produced by fxopt can be significantly more accurate than typical fixed-point implementations with comparable execution time and code size. In many cases the fixed-point code produced by fxopt provides accuracy comparable to single-precision floating-point arithmetic with a factor of 10 faster execution.

(Machine Translation)
Destinado Audiência: Engineering
Linguagem Natural: English
Linguagem de Programação: C
Última Atualização: 2011-03-26 07:05

Cuadro CPU Benchmark

Cuadro CPU Benchmark measures the CPU performance by numerically finding a solution and measuring the runtime of the two-dimensional heat equation in Cartesian coordinates. The program is a model of a vertical square stainless steel plate undergoing heat generation and natural convection on both sides. It finds a temperature distribution matrix of this system at every time step.

(Machine Translation)
Destinado Audiência: Engineering
Sistema Operacional: BSD, Linux, SunOS/Solaris
Linguagem de Programação: C
Última Atualização: 2014-03-08 03:43


Gygaxは、画像、動画やライブストリームを処理するためのカスタマイズされたツールを開発する環境をユーザーに提供する C# アプリケーションです。さまざまな種類のファイルを開くことをサポートしています。

  • 概要

現在のバージョンは、Windows 8 環境と MS Visual Studio 2013 上で実行するように設計されています。Emgu CV との互換性上の理由からグラフィカルな API として Windows フォームを使用します。すべての必須ライブラリをダウンロードするパッケージに含まれます。

  • 次のリリースが含まれます:
    • 3D ポイント クラウドデータと IFC ファイルの可視化と編集を許可する DirectX ビューアー
    • バッファーの可用性に応じてフレームの処理速度の調整 (次のフレームを連続送信またはスキップまでバッファーを空に)
    • エラー処理とヘルプ マニュアル
    • ビデオ再生のためのスクロール バー
    • 条件に基づいてフレームの選択導入 (ぼかしメトリック、等)
Desenvolvimento Estado: 5 - Production/Stable
Sistema Operacional: Other, Windows 7
Linguagem de Programação: C#
Interface de Usuário: .NET/Mono
Última Atualização: 2011-09-29 02:41


WSNWARE は、オープン ソースの Java/OSGi ミドルウェア、監視、制御および無線センサー ネットワークを標準化するために設計されています。WSNWARE 上で実行される正規化されたメッセージ指向ミドルウェア (と開発) 任意の OSGi コンテナー。

(Machine Translation)
Database Environment: XML-based
Desenvolvimento Estado: 5 - Production/Stable
Linguagem de Programação: Java
Interface de Usuário: Java Swing
Última Atualização: 2022-03-05 13:12


LibreCADは QCad のコミュニティ版をベースにした2次元CADドローツールです。Qt4 に移植および再構成されており、Mac OS X や Windows、Linux で動作するクロスプラットフォームなソフトウェアです。

Última Atualização: 2012-02-01 21:51


OCE (OpenCascade Community Edition) is a community version of the OpenCascade Technology 3D kernel, a C++ library for 3D CAD development. It includes components for 3D surface and solid BRep modeling, visualization, data exchange (STEP, IGES), and rapid application development. OCE aims to fix bugs and improve code quality and portability.

Destinado Audiência: Engineering
Linguagem Natural: English
Sistema Operacional: MacOSX
Linguagem de Programação: C++


evolution of freeModBus library v1.5 to 2.0:

- provide supoprt of multiple port instances, with legacy compatibility

- a bit fix, ports on ContikiOS, port ВМ10Я+uOS, LPC176x+RTEMS

freeModBus implements light-weight modbus server and client
daemons on embedded low-profile mcu, with non-blocking async-io

Desenvolvimento Estado: 4 - Beta
Destinado Audiência: Quality Engineers, Engineering
Sistema Operacional: OS Independent
Linguagem de Programação: C
Register Date: 2019-09-12 22:30
Última Atualização: 2012-12-19 12:22

H8/3069F writer for KOZOS (kz_h8write)


Desenvolvimento Estado: 4 - Beta
Destinado Audiência: Developers, Engineering
Sistema Operacional: MacOSX, Linux, Windows 7
Linguagem de Programação: C
Tópico: Embedded systems
Register Date: 2011-05-27 06:13



Desenvolvimento Estado: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Destinado Audiência: Engineering
Licença: other
Linguagem Natural: Japanese
Sistema Operacional: Linux, Windows
Linguagem de Programação: C, C++
Tópico: Libraries
Register Date: 2009-12-12 05:00