Software Map Project List (16701 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
ourcms(freshmeat) OurCMS OurCMS is a modular object-oriented Content Man... DOWNLOAD
ed2k(freshmeat) eDonkey Hash/Link eDonkey Hash/Link is a utility for computing e... DOWNLOAD
pmids(freshmeat) Poor Man's IDS Poor Man's IDS is a couple of scripts which che... DOWNLOAD
pvrusb(freshmeat) pvrusb pvrusb is a Linux driver for the WinTV PVR USB ... DOWNLOAD
dostuff(freshmeat) DoStuff Code DoStuff Code is a complete content management s... DOWNLOAD
rtgrep(freshmeat) rtgrep rtgrep is a bash script which searches for all ... DOWNLOAD
mailcrypt(freshmeat) Mailcrypt Mailcrypt is an Emacs Lisp package which provid... DOWNLOAD
awbot(freshmeat) AWBot AWbot is a bot that connects to your Web site a... DOWNLOAD
zproxy(freshmeat) Zaval Proxy Suite The Zaval Proxy Suite monitors TCP-based protoc... DOWNLOAD
mod_curb(freshmeat) mod_curb mod_curb is a simple bandwidth limit module for... DOWNLOAD
javafec(freshmeat) Java Forward Error Correction Library Java Forward Error Correction (FEC) Library is ... DOWNLOAD
javadime(freshmeat) Java DIME Library Java DIME Library implements Direct Internet M... DOWNLOAD
gtkftpd(freshmeat) GtkFtpd GtkFtpd is an FTP server designed to provide a ... DOWNLOAD
kalculate(freshmeat) Kalculate Kalculate provides a user-friendly calculator ... DOWNLOAD
rp-l2tp(freshmeat) RP-L2TP RP-L2TP is a user-space implementation of the L... DOWNLOAD
patcher(freshmeat) patcher Patcher is a tool for quick creation of patches... DOWNLOAD
pounder(freshmeat) Pounder Pounder is a utility for testing Java GUIs. It ... DOWNLOAD
jgen(freshmeat) The JGenerator The JGenerator is a Web server production appli... DOWNLOAD
rfasttemplate(freshmeat) PHP FastTemplate clone PHP Fast Template clone is a replacement of the... DOWNLOAD
qgrpx(freshmeat) Sendmail Extended Queue Groups Sendmail Extended Queue Groups is an m4 file t... DOWNLOAD
startrekencyreader(freshmeat) star trek ency reader ency reads the data file(s) from the Star Trek ... DOWNLOAD
eurobudget(freshmeat) EuroBudget Eurobudget is a personal accounting tool, simi... DOWNLOAD
regame(freshmeat) regame regame is a simple game where you have to sort ... DOWNLOAD
xmlizer(freshmeat) xmlizer configurator/server xmlizer configurator/server is a client/server ... DOWNLOAD
scriptbasic(freshmeat) ScriptBasic ScriptBasic is an interpreter for the old langu... DOWNLOAD
atalk(freshmeat) atalk atalk is a little chat server and client, both ... DOWNLOAD
mycdcatalog(freshmeat) My CD Catalog My CD Catalog reads a CDROM volume, traverses t... DOWNLOAD
astrodss(freshmeat) Astro::DSS Module Astro::DSS Module is an object orientated Perl ... DOWNLOAD
netplugd(freshmeat) netplugd netplugd monitors one or more network interface... DOWNLOAD
tagbk(freshmeat) tagbk tagbk is a tool that rearranges XBEL bookmark f... DOWNLOAD
webmail(freshmeat) WebMail WebMail is a WWW mail application that allows u... DOWNLOAD
afinger(freshmeat) Auxio Finger afinger is a configurable finger client, writte... DOWNLOAD
bannerfish(freshmeat) Bannerfish Bannerfish is a small, simple banner ad server.... DOWNLOAD
qtetris(freshmeat) TETRIS Queen TETRIS Queen is a Tetris clone with a "des... DOWNLOAD
coreapm(freshmeat) CORE Advanced Project Manager CORE Advanced Project Manager is a Web based to... DOWNLOAD
ptarmigan(freshmeat) Ptarmigan Media Parser for XML Ptarmigan Media Parser for XML is a SAX event ... DOWNLOAD
tcbnet(freshmeat) Treecast Batch Network The Treecast Batch Network project aims to crea... DOWNLOAD
pdns-dev(freshmeat) PowerDNS Backend Development Kit PowerDNS Backend Development Kit allows a devel... DOWNLOAD
xnetload(freshmeat) xnetload Xnetload displays packet traffic and uptime in ... DOWNLOAD
wmspaceclock(freshmeat) wmspaceclock wmspaceclock (or spaceclock for short) is an an... DOWNLOAD
cm2(freshmeat) cm cm is a flexible mail checking utility that can... DOWNLOAD
perlmudclient(freshmeat) Perl MUD Client pmc (Perl MUD Client) is a text-based MUD clien... DOWNLOAD
archiver(freshmeat) Netfarm Mail Archiver Netfarm is a mail filter written in Python that... DOWNLOAD
unserding(freshmeat) unserding unserding is a simple pub-sub messaging library... DOWNLOAD
wuffsmoviedb(freshmeat) Wuff's MovieDB Wuff's MovieDB (WMDB) is a MySQL database with ... DOWNLOAD
libdbx(freshmeat) LibDBX LibDBX, part of the ol2mbox project, contains C... DOWNLOAD
crm(freshmeat) CRM CRM is a very powerful filtering and mutilation... DOWNLOAD
fpt(freshmeat) filebase php tools filebase php tools is a nice and configurable D... DOWNLOAD
blogmax(freshmeat) BlogMax BlogMax makes it easy to use Emacs to maintain ... DOWNLOAD
wapdict(freshmeat) WapDict WapDict is a WAP frontend for dictd server. It ... DOWNLOAD
nekit(freshmeat) Nekit Applet Nekit Applet is a HTML editor Java applet which... DOWNLOAD
cser(freshmeat) CSer CSer is a library for C++ serialization, also c... DOWNLOAD
sethi_darvas_plotter(freshmeat) Sethi Family's Darvas Box Plotter Sethi Family's Darvas Box Plotter plots Darvas ... DOWNLOAD
kobodl(freshmeat) Kobo Deluxe Kobo Deluxe is an enhanced version of Akira Hig... DOWNLOAD
cvswc(freshmeat) CVS Web Client CVS Web Client uses the original CVS backend. ... DOWNLOAD
net-cam(freshmeat) Net-Cam Net-Cam is a free alternative to IP video surve... DOWNLOAD
webnotes(freshmeat) phpWebNotes phpWebNotes is a PHP/MySQL-based Web annotation... DOWNLOAD
gnome-chord(freshmeat) gnome-chord gnome-chord is a guitar chord index that displa... DOWNLOAD
phpxpath(freshmeat) Php.XPath phpXML is a PHP class for accessing XML documen... DOWNLOAD
gtksilver(freshmeat) GtkSilver Silver is a small GTK application which will d... DOWNLOAD
bgpd(freshmeat) is a partial implementation of the BGP ... DOWNLOAD
gmandel(freshmeat) gmandel Gmandel is a program for exploring intricate a... DOWNLOAD
setihomeplugin(freshmeat) SETI@home GKrellM plugin The SETI@home gkrellm plugin shows the current ... DOWNLOAD
hme(freshmeat) Height Map Editor Height Map Editor edits, generates, and manipu... DOWNLOAD
r2tech-eclipse-antview(freshmeat) Eclipse AntView Plugin AntView is an eclipse plug-in to run Ant build ... DOWNLOAD
sidiberner(freshmeat) SiDiBerner Sidiburner is a CD burner tool using Open Kylix... DOWNLOAD
aim2irc(freshmeat) aim2irc aim2irc lets you control an IRC session from yo... DOWNLOAD
htmltmpl-java(freshmeat) HTML.Template HTML.Template is a Java package that lets you u... DOWNLOAD
datamanagement(freshmeat) MySQLDataManagement MySQLDataManagement is a set of PHP scripts to ... DOWNLOAD
geniustrader(freshmeat) GeniusTrader GeniusTrader aims to be a full featured toolbox... DOWNLOAD
bubblegum(freshmeat) bubblegum Bubblegum is a daemon written in C which watche... DOWNLOAD
xiqual(freshmeat) Xiqual Xiqual is a collection of frequently used funct... DOWNLOAD
webgift(freshmeat) WebgiFT WebgiFT is a Web based frontend to giFT, a file... DOWNLOAD
universephpextension(freshmeat) Universe PHP extension Universe is an extension to PHP to allow CORBA ... DOWNLOAD
preferences(freshmeat) is, functionally, a clone of Ne... DOWNLOAD
readyexec(freshmeat) ReadyExec ReadyExec is a client-server system designed to... DOWNLOAD
ecasound_el(freshmeat) ecasound.el ecasound.el is an interface to ecasound from wi... DOWNLOAD
kpsk(freshmeat) KPSK KPSK is a PSK31 digital radio communications ap... DOWNLOAD
balloonchase(freshmeat) Balloon Chase Balloon Chase is a game where you fly a hot ai... DOWNLOAD
momoko(freshmeat) Momoko Momoko is a generic, object-oriented, modular, ... DOWNLOAD
probstat(freshmeat) Probability and Statistics for Python This project is a fast C implementation of vari... DOWNLOAD
libsock(freshmeat) Raw Socket Library Raw Socket Library provides a simple mechanism ... DOWNLOAD
phat(freshmeat) PHAT PHAT is a browser-based network management sol... DOWNLOAD
echoping(freshmeat) echoping echoping is a small program to approximatively ... DOWNLOAD
bl0g(freshmeat) bl0g bl0g is a Hebrew PHP/MySQL system designed to r... DOWNLOAD
vlms(freshmeat) VideoLAN::MiniServer The VideoLAN MiniServer (vlms) is a streaming s... DOWNLOAD
py-toc(freshmeat) Py-TOC Py-TOC is a Python module for programming autom... DOWNLOAD
snortcon(freshmeat) Snortcon SnortCon is a Web based utility that provides a... DOWNLOAD
wizardrms(freshmeat) WizardRMS WizardRMS is a collection of Perl CGI scripts f... DOWNLOAD
board-tnk(freshmeat) board-tnk board-tnk is a discussion board written in PHP ... DOWNLOAD
jfetch(freshmeat) JFetch JFetch is an application to download your email... DOWNLOAD
cabber(freshmeat) Cabber Cabber is a console Jabber client. DOWNLOAD
ratemask(freshmeat) ratemask ratemask is a small program that will make it e... DOWNLOAD
pbslogs2mysql(freshmeat) pbslogs2mysql pbslogs2mysql is a short Perl script to read ac... DOWNLOAD
openmdv(freshmeat) OpenMDV OpenMDV (MetaData Visualization) is a Web-based... DOWNLOAD
tear(freshmeat) T.E.A.R. T.E.A.R. (pronounced Tair) is a console-based f... DOWNLOAD
pgdesigner(freshmeat) PGDesigner PGDesigner is a simple data modelling tool for ... DOWNLOAD
mowie(freshmeat) Mowie Mowie is an interactive, graphical netstat that... DOWNLOAD
fakeidentd(freshmeat) fake identd fake identd is an ident daemon suitable for fir... DOWNLOAD
pyrip(freshmeat) pyrip pyrip provides a Python module named "rip&... DOWNLOAD

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