Software Map Project List (27201 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
winstone(freshmeat) Winstone Winstone is a Java Servlet Container that provi... DOWNLOAD
kojoney(freshmeat) Kojoney Kojoney is an easy of use, secure, robust, and ... DOWNLOAD
valhallachat(freshmeat) Valhalla Chat Valhalla Chat is an instant messenger program w... DOWNLOAD
bttrk(freshmeat) b-tektracker b-tektracker is an advanced real-time MIDI step... DOWNLOAD
aerarium(freshmeat) Aerarium Aerarium is a financial application for Symbian... DOWNLOAD
64studio(freshmeat) 64 Studio 64 Studio is a collection of native free softwa... DOWNLOAD
net-tools(freshmeat) net-tools The net-tools package contains a collection of ... DOWNLOAD
helioworld(freshmeat) HELIO World HELIO World is a PHP class that generates world... DOWNLOAD
ibmvisualizationdataexplorer(freshmeat) IBM OpenDX IBM OpenDX, the successor to IBM Visualization ... DOWNLOAD
zups(freshmeat) ZUPS ZUPS allows for monitoring the state of one or ... DOWNLOAD
ksirk(freshmeat) KsirK KsirK is a strategy game inspired by the well k... DOWNLOAD
tsaver(freshmeat) TimeSaver TimeSaver is simple time management application... DOWNLOAD
pythondvdauthormodule(freshmeat) python-dvdauthor The dvdauthor module allows you to create a str... DOWNLOAD
marie(freshmeat) MARIE MARIE is a new design tool for mobile and auton... DOWNLOAD
inidoc(freshmeat) inidoc The PHP program inidoc is contributed with LayM... DOWNLOAD
docbookm(freshmeat) docbookm The docbookm package is contributed with LayMan... DOWNLOAD
jiaid3(freshmeat) JiaId3 JiaId3 is an audio tag editor written in Cocoa. DOWNLOAD
hare(freshmeat) HaRe HaRe is a Hebrew handwriting recognition engine... DOWNLOAD
wmthemech(freshmeat) wmThemeCh wmThemeCh is a dockapp to change your Window Ma... DOWNLOAD
hyperwrt(freshmeat) HyperWRT HyperWRT is power-boosting firmware for the Lin... DOWNLOAD
pluglemonsympa(freshmeat) LemonLdap for LemonLdap for is a plugin for the Sym... DOWNLOAD
remotecmd(freshmeat) Remote Secure Command System Remote Secure Command System is a remote asynch... DOWNLOAD
remoteapps(freshmeat) RemoteApps RemoteApps is a development framework for Web a... DOWNLOAD
zmanim(freshmeat) Zmanim Zmanim is a software package that computes zman... DOWNLOAD
logindpostgres(freshmeat) logindpostgres logindpostgres is a script that reads SQL selec... DOWNLOAD
mycalendar(freshmeat) My Calendar My Calendar is a lightweight, easy-to-use Web c... DOWNLOAD
sarpplot(freshmeat) Sar P Plot Sar P Plot is a simple application which takes ... DOWNLOAD
swimp(freshmeat) swIMP swIMP (SWIG-based Interfaces for Mathematical P... DOWNLOAD
ffmpeg-php(freshmeat) ffmpeg-php extension ffmpeg-php is an extension for PHP that adds an... DOWNLOAD
yxorp(freshmeat) yxorp Yxorp is a reverse proxy for HTTP. All the fiel... DOWNLOAD
combean(freshmeat) Combean Combean is a Java framework for combinatorial s... DOWNLOAD
saxcms(freshmeat) Josh's Website Framework Josh's Website Framework is a CMS framework for... DOWNLOAD
jrate(freshmeat) jRate jRate is an extension of the GNU GCJ compiler ... DOWNLOAD
euromath2(freshmeat) EuroMath2 EuroMath2 is a WYSIWYG XML editor platform. It ... DOWNLOAD
xfceterminal(freshmeat) Terminal Emulator Terminal is a modern terminal emulator for the ... DOWNLOAD
libexo(freshmeat) libexo libexo is an extension library for Xfce. While ... DOWNLOAD
smrt(freshmeat) smrt smrt is a powerful python-based GUI and command... DOWNLOAD
cspot(freshmeat) cspot cspot is a semantic annotator designed only for... DOWNLOAD
tileqt(freshmeat) TileQt TileQt is a theme for the tile toolkit, which u... DOWNLOAD
morse-x(freshmeat) morse-x morse-x lets you use any key on your keyboard a... DOWNLOAD
xpws(freshmeat) X personal web server XPWS is a personal Web server that sits in your... DOWNLOAD
pircbotcpp(freshmeat) pircbotcpp pircbotcpp is an IRC C++ software development k... DOWNLOAD
mirageiv(freshmeat) Mirage Mirage is a fast and simple GTK+ image viewer w... DOWNLOAD
factor(freshmeat) Factor Factor is a dynamically-typed stack-based progr... DOWNLOAD
tbtwig(freshmeat) Twibright Twig Twibright Twig is a static HTML photo gallery s... DOWNLOAD
commi(freshmeat) Commi Commi is a line orientated serial terminal like... DOWNLOAD
livesaver(freshmeat) LiveSaver Ever lost an hour worth of writing an email due... DOWNLOAD
tutka(freshmeat) Tutka Tutka is a tracker style MIDI sequencer for Lin... DOWNLOAD
gmailtray(freshmeat) Gmail Tray Gmail Tray is a very simple Gmail notificaiton ... DOWNLOAD
mudmagic(freshmeat) Mud Magic Mud Client MudMagic Mud Client is a GTK/GNOME multi-platfo... DOWNLOAD
onestroke(freshmeat) OneStroke OneStroke is a gesture-based character input pr... DOWNLOAD
spits(freshmeat) Simple PHP Internet Traffic Shaping SPITS (Simple PHP Internet Traffic Shaping) is ... DOWNLOAD
gpgwrap(freshmeat) gpgwrap gpgwrap is a wrapper for gpg and its --passphra... DOWNLOAD
myspacefeed(freshmeat) MySpace Feed MySpace Feed is a tool that imports headlines f... DOWNLOAD
phpgacl(freshmeat) PHP Generic Access Control List PHP Generic Access Control List is a PHP class ... DOWNLOAD
utadragon(freshmeat) Useful Traffic Accounting Dragon The Useful Traffic Accounting Dragon is a traff... DOWNLOAD
filelight(freshmeat) Filelight Filelight graphically represents a file system ... DOWNLOAD
ffradiuslib(freshmeat) FF RADIUS Library The FF RADIUS Library is a C library that imple... DOWNLOAD
cmsrssgrabber(freshmeat) CMS RSS Grabber CMS RSS Grabber is a system that grabs RSS feed... DOWNLOAD
decksrc(freshmeat) Deck Deck is a JavaScript library that aims to provi... DOWNLOAD
mb-ruby(freshmeat) MB-Ruby MB-Ruby provides MusicBrainz bindings for Ruby. DOWNLOAD
raggle(freshmeat) Raggle Raggle is a console RSS aggregator, featuring t... DOWNLOAD
mysmartci(freshmeat) MySmartCI MySmartCI is a small and simple command interpr... DOWNLOAD
elphelogm(freshmeat) ElphelOgm ElphelOgm is a command line program that receiv... DOWNLOAD
xynth(freshmeat) Xynth Xynth is an embedded and portable interface be... DOWNLOAD
libgfeed(freshmeat) libgfeed libgfeed is a library to manage (create, load, ... DOWNLOAD
itzam_cpp(freshmeat) Itzam/C++ Itzam/C++ wraps the Itzam database engine with ... DOWNLOAD
wachecker(freshmeat) WAchecker WAchecker is a Python library for writing and e... DOWNLOAD
jmimemagic(freshmeat) jMimeMagic jMimeMagic is a Java library for determining th... DOWNLOAD
mcj(freshmeat) mcj MCJ is a Midnight Commander clone. It links to ... DOWNLOAD
polliz(freshmeat) Polliz Polliz is a script for managing online opinion ... DOWNLOAD
gronogal(freshmeat) gronogal gronogal is a tool that makes it easy to upload... DOWNLOAD
netmgmt(freshmeat) Network Management Tool Network Management Tool makes it possible to q... DOWNLOAD
c42backup(freshmeat) c42 Backup Suite The c42-backup suite is a simple program for ma... DOWNLOAD
ldpc(freshmeat) LDPC/LDGM An LDPC/LDGM large block forward error correcti... DOWNLOAD
opensde(freshmeat) OpenSDE OpenSDE is a kit for creating customized operat... DOWNLOAD
pawm(freshmeat) The Puto Amo Window Manager The Puto Amo Window Manager is a full featured ... DOWNLOAD
digitools(freshmeat) DigiTools DigiTools aims to provide full hardware support... DOWNLOAD
ultimategeocoder(freshmeat) Ultimate Geo Coder Ultimate Geo Coder is a small library that can ... DOWNLOAD
emserver(freshmeat) Emserver Emserver is a daemon designed to work with Exim... DOWNLOAD
rexml(freshmeat) REXML REXML is an XML 1.0 compliant, reasonably fast,... DOWNLOAD
wirble(freshmeat) Wirble Wirble is a set of enhancements for Irb (the in... DOWNLOAD
stapgui(freshmeat) Systemtap GUI Systemtap is a GUI to assist in the development... DOWNLOAD
rubilicious(freshmeat) Rubilicious Rubilicious is a set of bindings fo... DOWNLOAD
beepage(freshmeat) Beepage Beepage is a Unix-based text paging package. Te... DOWNLOAD
facturalux(freshmeat) FacturaLUX FacturaLUX is ERP and CRM software for GNU/Linu... DOWNLOAD
sppm(freshmeat) Simple Perl Package Manager Simple Perl Package Manager tracks the files ad... DOWNLOAD
imgtree(freshmeat) Image Tree Image Tree is a complete and versatile photo pu... DOWNLOAD
rox-session(freshmeat) ROX-Session ROX-Session is a simple and easy-to-configure s... DOWNLOAD
expenses(freshmeat) Expenses Expenses is a simple command-line tool for fina... DOWNLOAD
rss2cms(freshmeat) RSS 2 CMS RSS 2 CMS is a script that will import RSS feed... DOWNLOAD
beanform(freshmeat) BeanForm BeanForm is a Tapestry 4 component that elimina... DOWNLOAD
knoppix_remoteconf(freshmeat) Knoppix_remoteconf Knoppix_remoteconf is a set of patches for the ... DOWNLOAD
jwx(freshmeat) jwx! jwx! is a Java binding to the wxWidgets GUI fra... DOWNLOAD
talika-tms(freshmeat) ManagerX ManagerX is an extended version of the manager ... DOWNLOAD
kmusicdb(freshmeat) KmusicdB KmusicdB is a music information manager for KDE... DOWNLOAD
l2fprod-common(freshmeat) Common Components Swing has lot of components built in, but still... DOWNLOAD
uwp(freshmeat) uwp-phase Uwp is a phase unwrapping tool that uses Ghigli... DOWNLOAD
pocoo(freshmeat) Pocoo Pocoo is a bulletin board software (a.k.a. mess... DOWNLOAD
tclodbc(freshmeat) TclODBC TclODBC is a Tcl interface to the ODBC API. The... DOWNLOAD

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